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A/N: Warning: Last chapter! I have run out of creative motivation for this book, but I just wanted to publish a complete book and not leave you in a cliffhanger or something like that. I hope you have enjoyed this book. Rate and comment. 

Shikamaru took a deep breath as he knocked on his girlfriend's house, 'You do have a key to my place, Shika-kun. There's no need for you to knock,' Ōkami said as she opened the door with a smile. Shikamaru smirk as he shrug, "Well, sometimes I'm too lazy to open the door." Ōkami let out a soundless laugh before mentioning for Shikamaru to enter her home.

Taking a deep breath, Shikamaru slowly released it as he gathered his nerves and took Ōkami's hand in his. Ōkami stare at him in confusion, "I came up with a lot of ways for this to go just right, but I didn't think of any words to say to you. So, please forgive me if this sounds sappy, Kami-chan."

Shikamaru took another deep breath, "It's you. Since our relationship started, I knew that you will be the one for me and I can't really explain it, but it's you. Always you. I belong with you, by your side as you belong to my side, Kami-chan. When I look at you, all logic escapes me, but I can see fifty years from now with you in our home with our children and their children roaming about. Still madly in love. You're the only thing that matters to me, Kami-chan," he paused as he went down in one knee causing Ōkami's breath to hitch.

"Will you be my wife?"

"Yes," her voice was never that powerful till that moment.

ͼ ͽ ͼ ͽ

Ōkami smiled faintly at the photo before her, "What's that granny?" Ōkami turned to the new voice and spotted one of her many grandchildren walking towards her. Shikahiro is a carbon copy of his grandfather, a photo of your grandfather's and I's friends in our wedding day. Do you want to see?

Shikahiro nodded as he climbed onto his grandmother's lap. He always found his grandmother interesting and awe-inspiring. He looked at the photo, in front was his grandparents, but younger looking. "Grandpa looks like me!" he exclaimed. Ōkami chuckled, that he does.

She pointed at Neji, that's your father's godfather. He was a good man. Shikahiro frowned when he sensed his grandmother's sadness, "What happened to him? Who is he?"

Hyūga Neji. He died protecting me when Ōtsutsuki attacked Konoha. Your father was twelve when that happened. So was your uncle Boruto.

Shikahiro glanced at the others, and pointed at a certain person, "That's Aunty Sarada's dad." Ōkami nodded, yes, I'm actually surprised he ended up marring Sakura. Ōkami remembered how shocked everyone was when Sakura announced the news before Kiba barked out in laughter. "Then, who's that?" Ōkami saw that Shikahiro was pointing at Haku.

That's Yuki Haku. Behind him was his father figure, Momochi Zabuza.

"Where are they?"

Zabuza died protecting his son; Haku. Haku died avenging his father.

"When was that?"

Years before your Aunty Shikahana was born. Haku was a brother to me like Naruto was.

"Grandpa said that granny Fū was like a sister," Ōkami nodded. Fū still is. No matter what happened to her, she's still family. She ended up marrying Shino and having your Uncle Hachi.

Ōkami then pointed at Kiba, Kiba married to Kanna, from a similar clan to his. They had your Aunty Tora. Named after a demonic cat that we used to chase as kids. Lee married to Hanae and joined her clan. They specialized in taijutsu jutsus. Which was a best fitting for him, Ōkami said with an amused smile. She thought back when Lee first met Hanae. She literally punched him into four walls before calming down.

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