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WARNING: Short Chapter Ahead

Asuma grunted in annoyance when Ino's voice grated at his patience for the ninth time today, "Ino—for the love of Kami...please shut up," Shikamaru mumbled. Ino huffed as she crossed her arms across her chest, "You would use Kami in this." Shikamaru shot her an irritated glare at the blonde beside him before picking up speed. Asuma glance to his only docile student before sighing heavily, "Alright, we'll stop here and rest for the night."

Shikamaru didn't need to be told twice and dropped down before laying down on the ground to rest. Ino huffed at the sight before her, "I'm starting to wonder how Okami did fall in love with you." Shikamaru inwardly flinched at the jab but merely grunted at Ino while Choji and Asuma gave her a look, "Ino. Enough."

Ino huffed before she settled on the ground, "We are not setting up camp, we are here only for a night before moving again before dawn. Choji, you are taking the first watch, wake up Ino for her watch within three hours, followed by Shikamaru's watch four hours later and finally, three hours later, wake me up and I will take the final watch," Asuma said. It didn't take them long to have a small fire roaring to life to keep them warm through the night.

Asuma roam his eyes over his students before keeping his gaze on the laziest, "Shikamaru," he called. Shikamaru merely groans before shifting to sit up, "Come over. I need to talk to you." Shikamaru sighed heavily before moving to sit next to his teacher. "Yeah?"

"How long have you been a Jōnin?"

"Going on eight months."

"Have you thought of going on your own? With Ino and Choji still Chūnin, I am still their sensei, but you being on the same rank as me, you can leave the team," Asuma says. Shikamaru shakes his head, "Nah, that's too troublesome. I already spoke with Hokage-sama about it as well," Shikamaru said. Asuma hums before changing the subject, "Speaking of which, how's your relationship with Ōkami?"

Shikamaru let out the softest smile causing Asuma to pause, "It's going really well. I can feel it Asuma-sensei. She's the one, but I think it's too early," he said. Asuma mentally whistles, 'He's always been way too mature for his age. Him thinking about marrying Hokage-sama only proved it more,' Asuma thought.

ͼ ͽ ͼ ͽ

Ōkami softly sighed as the door to her office was kicked open. ANBU, Zabuza and Haku surrounded her, "KA-CHAN!" Naruto blinked when he took notice of the guards, "What are you guys doing?" he tilted his head. Ōkami merely smiled in fondness, do you need anything Naruto-kun?

His blue eyes lit up, "Yeah! Ichiraku ramen is having a discount! I came here to invite you—Sorry Naruto, Hokage-sama is quite busy today," Haku interrupted. Ōkami watched Naruto deflate in sadness, 'Jiji-chan was the same too,' Naruto thought. It's a great idea Naruto-kun. I would love to go, both Haku and Naruto looked at her in shock. "But—it's a wise decision to take breaks once in a while Haku." Ōkami cut him off with a soft smile, we all should join Naruto at Ichiraku, she eyed her ANBU guard before shooting a side glance at Zabuza.

Zabuza merely scoffed before carrying Naruto over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, "Come on Shrimp. Let's go." Naruto grin widely as he tried to hide his tears, 'She's always there to keep me happy,' Naruto thought as he softly glance at Ōkami. 'Like a mother.'

"Ah, Naruto and his friends. Hokage-sama," Teuchi bowed at Ōkami. Ōkami waved him off with a smile, evening Teuchi-san. We heard you're having a discount.

Teuchi grin, "Yeah! Sit, sit, and order. Everything you see on the menu is 25 percent off today only." Naruto grinned as he took a seat beside Ōkami, "You're the best Old Man!" Ōkami chuckled before turning towards the entrance of the little shop, you two should join us as well. Naruto was confused but lit up when he spotted Han and Roshi. "Han! Roshi! You're in just in time! Ichiraku's has the best ramen!"

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