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WARNING: Short Chapter Ahead

Iruka silently watched in amusement at the sight that greeted him. The all mighty Zabuza was in a seiza bow in front of a cat—who to which look mightier than the former Demon of the Mist. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked while trying his best to maintain a stoic look. Zabuza quickly shot him a grateful look as he was made to stand. Haku covered his mouth as he silently laughed at his father-figure.

Iruka-sensei—I already said not to call me sensei anymore—I'm glad you came in time, Okami ignored his interruption. Zabuza and Haku took to stand behind Okami as Iruka near the table, "I brought the files of this year's graduating class." Okami smiled at him as she took the files from him and looked over the team formations.

Ah, Konohamaru and his friends graduated, Iruka smiled at the youngest Sarutobi, "Yeah, he immediately went to show off to Naruto." Okami and Iruka both laughed at the look Naruto must have send Konohamaru before offering the kid a bright grin. Keeping him and his two minions would be best. Their sensei will be Ebisu.

Iruka chuckled at the thought of Konohamaru's expression once he finds out who is their teacher. Okami then turned her attention towards Roshi and Han, you two will also be teaching a team, but considering you two are new to the village, Okami paused as she rummaged through her paperwork on her desk. Roshi and Han both look at each other in surprise before darting a look at the equally surprised Iruka.

Ah, found it! Anyways, you two will be teaching a team but I set you up with the older ones since, like I said, you two are new. I want you two to get accustomed to our unique students before assigning you green horns.

Iruka coughed into his fist at the first person coming to mind when Okami said unique. "KA-CHAN!" Roshi blinked when he spotted the blond blur latched onto his Hokage like a necklace while Han grunted when he was pushed out of the way. Iruka's eye twitched at the sight, "NARUTO YOU IDIOT!"



Both Iruka and Naruto ignored the audience in the room as they continued to argue while Okami sighed heavily, that's enough you two. Naruto, I called you in for a reason.

Naruto easily gave his sister his attention, "That's right. What do you need from me, Ka-chan? Is it a cool mission? Am I going on a solo mission?!" Roshi and Han gave him a look before sighing heavily. They both knew where this was going, nothing like that Naruto. As you must know, both Kakashi and Yamato are both out, Naruto's personality dimmed at the news.

Blue eyes casted down in worry.

But will make great recovery. While they are recovering, I did assign your team a new leader for now.

"Ka-chan! We don't need a new teacher! We can wait for Kakashi-sensei and Yamato-taichō to come out!"

Not even if you know the teacher, Naruto? Naruto paused in his tracks as he stared at his sister, "Who?" Okami immediately gestured towards Roshi and Han, making Naruto follow her hand towards the two. His blue eyes lit up while a grin graced his face, "Roshi?! Han?! You two are going to be our new teachers?! Man, I got a lot to ask you two to teach me!"

They haven't accepted yet, Naruto. It was merely a suggestion, now they can't say no, Roshi lamented when he saw the excited look on Naruto's face. Han turned away to brace himself, but Naruto's baby blues kept popping up. His shoulders slump in defeat, "Yeah Naruto, we are your new teachers," Roshi said. Okami merely smiled while Haku turned away to hide his laughter, show them the usual training ground your team meets up, Naruto.

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