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Ōkami glanced around the room as each head of different clans took their assigned seating, "Why did you call for an emergency meeting, Murasaki?" Danzō asked once everyone got situated. The orb that Ōkami usually talk with appeared; First thing first, address me properly if not, you will be dismissed of your seat. Ōkami quickly took notice of the other two opening their mouth to defend their friend; Same to you two as well. If you cannot respect that, you will be dismissed as well. I don't need grown adults in my council acting like children. Young Konohamaru behaves better.

Tsume bit her lip; trying to contain her laughter as the elders settled down with a scowl on their faces. Now that's over with. I have news. In a week's time, Sora no Kuni will attack Konohagakure. Danzō immediately opened his mouth but Ōkami raised her hand, I already sent clones to gather more intel. Do not give your suggestions until I ask for them.

Her orb split in half; something new she updated. One half transformed into the surrounding woods around the village, and the unfamiliar fleet that is stationed near the village. Hiashi frowned, "What is that?"

My clones had gathered that is a sky fleet from Sora no Kuni. Holding about forty to sixty Sora shinobi with some type of gliding devices to help with flying. My clone also gathered that those are charged with some type of chakra that also keeps their fleet in the air.

Shikaku leaned in, "In other words, the upcoming invasion is an air raid." Ōkami nodded, yes. We need to come up with ways to counter the air raid, protect the village, and defeat the fleet.

"We need to evacuate the civilians before the raid starts," Inoichi said.

"But we can't have the civilians hiding out a week and not only that, but days, since we don't know exactly when they will attack," Tsume said. Ōkami watch them bicker back and forth till the room was easily covered in ice, "If you all are done bickering like children, Hokage-sama looks like she has some suggestions as well," Haku smiled innocently. The heads frowned before turning their attention towards the young Hokage.

I can have some more of my clones to gather further intel to see when they planned to attack. We still have a week to plan any counters. For now, we can practice drills with the civilians and leading them into the mountains. Shibi-san, your son has a special kikaichū he breed himself, correct?

Shibi nodded, "Yes. Shino's kikaichū can absorb chakra," he trailed off. Every council head lit up in realization, gather your son for a meeting with me after this. I need him to train to absorb large amount soon.

Shibi nodded, "I am to assume that you will need him to absorb chakra from their charging ports?"

Yes. Without that chakra, there will be no more chakra to charge their flying devices. Shikaku smirk, "If my son doesn't marry you, I'm grounding him till his death." Tsume barked out a laugh while Inoichi and Chōza chuckled. Ōkami merely smiled before making the orb gather their attention once more, I will dismiss today's meeting for tomorrow at two. I will send a missive to all Jōnin and Chūnin to arrive for tomorrow's meeting. Dismissed.

Ōkami watched everyone stand up, getting ready to leave, but she made the orb appear once more, I say it now before you disappear on me, but if you three ever step out of line tomorrow, the room got cold, thank you for your service to the village.

The clan heads' eyed the three elders in amusement as they gritted their teeth together in anger. The three elders bowed before leaving the room in seething anger, "If your kid doesn't marry her, I will arrange something with Kiba!" Tsume laughed. Ōkami shook her head in amusement as she watched them leave the council room; "Haku...keep an eye on those elders for me. Watch out for the roots."

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