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Shikamaru took a deep breath before letting out slowly and knocked on the door, 'You still have a key. Why don't you use that instead?' Shikamaru rubbed the back of his head when he spotted his girlfriend opening the door, "Thought you wouldn't want me to use it considering I've been a dick to you."

Ōkami stared at him before opening the door wider for him. Shikamaru entered her house, removed his sandals, and went to sit in her living room. "I came here—," Shikamaru was suddenly interrupted by soft lips. He blinked in surprise and before he can kiss her back, Ōkami pulled away, 'I know why you came here. It was the same reason you came by last night as well, but I don't need it Shikamaru. You may say it to relieve you of the guilt, but I won't accept it because I know I hurt you for not answering.'

Shikamaru sighed heavily, 'I couldn't give you a proper answer at that time because he didn't exactly exist in regular forces. I had to create his profile,' Ōkami said to him as she caressed his cheek. With a soft smile, Ōkami leaned in and kissed him once more, 'His name is Nagaoka Eizo. He's been my partner for almost four years.'

Shikamaru looked at her in confusion, "Partner?"

'Before becoming Hokage and the Daimyō, I was in ANBU.'

Shikamaru's eyes widen, "ANBU? When did you enter ANBU?"

'During the Chūnin Exams. I was sent out to do missions under the mask leopard, codename Hyō.'

"I can see why you two are comfortable with each other, but why is he on your lap?" Shikamaru's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Ōkami chuckled, 'Eizo's specialty is mind games. Like Ibiki-san. Also, he likes to annoy me as much as Tsumi does with everyone.'

Shikamaru growled softly before bringing Ōkami down for a searing kiss.

ͼ ͽ ͼ ͽ

Ino stared at her teammate before letting out a smug smirk, "You made up with Hokage-sama." Shikamaru shot her an annoyed look before looking away, "Yeah. I did." Ino smiled, "Finally. You were really a stick in the mud this last month." Shikamaru gave her an annoyed stare before sighing heavily, "Sorry about that."

"Did you finally get your answer?" Choji asked. Shikamaru nods, "Yeah. She was working on getting an identity for the guy I told you about." Ino frowned, "An identity?" Inoichi cleared his throat when he caught the last part of the conversation when he entered the shop, "Meaning, whoever Hokage-sama created that profile for used to be deep rooted in ANBU. Most probably a career ANBU."

"You mean that guy with the Panda mask?" Ino asked. Inoichi sent her a look, "Don't use their mask to identify them once they are unmasked. Those in the ANBU have families that want to keep separate on that matter."

"It would work if I had any family left, Yamanaka-sama," a voice spoke up causing all the occupants to glance towards the entrance. Shikamaru instantly spotted his girlfriend with a blond haired-green eyed man by her side. Evening Inoichi-san, Ōkami greeted the man with a smile. Inoichi bowed, "Evening Hokage-sama, how can I help you?"

Ōkami waved him off, This is Nagaoka Eizo. I've been parading him around the village to get everyone familiarized with each other.

Inoichi turned his attention to Eizo, "Welcome back into normal society, Nagaoka-san." Eizo hid his wince, "Thank you, Yamanaka-sama, but please call me Eizo. I am not used to having a family name." Inoichi nodded in understanding, "Then call me Inoichi." Ōkami turned her attention towards her boyfriend and her friends as she let Eizo talk with Inoichi. Hello you three. How are you guys doing?

The Silent Wolf (Re-Edited)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt