She could just ignore the minor annoyance, barge into Uther's chambers and be done with it. But, the cries would likely draw the attention of nearby guards, which would be quite inconvenient. That, and she couldn't deny that there was something drawing her to the sound. She had a very good guess as to the source of it. It was something akin to the smallest hint of curiosity, that had her slowly moving in that direction.

After quite cautiously making her way to the end of the hallway, she reached another set of doors. The shrieks were much louder now, and she was very sure as to what she would find behind this new door. Something she couldn't explain settled in her gut, a she gazed back down to where she had been stood a minute ago. Quite a trek, now that she thought about it. Four guards to the entire length of the hall, all who had been stood outside Uther's door, leaving this one unguarded.

Not that it affected her in the least, of course. If anything, it even made things a bit more convenient for her, and anyone else who may have a similar
agenda. Unable to stand the racket any longer, she unlocked the door and slipped inside, quickly pushing it shut behind her.

Her ears were immediately assaulted with the unpleasant screeching that pierced the air. She stared at the cot on the far side of the large room. Said room seemed a bit too oversized for its occupant, in her eyes. She sighed and quickly trudged over to the cot, mentally switching things around on her to-do list. She peered over the edge of the crib, while her mind ran through all the different spells she had learned recently.

She could curse him to never gain the ability to speak; or never be able to wield a sword; or even bestow a curse of eternal cowardice upon him. Imagine that, she thought gleefully. The mighty prince of Camelot, who didn't possess a sliver of courage.

Suddenly, the cries died down considerably and the eyelids that had been previously screwed shut slowly creeped open. Nimueh stared down cautiously, at the striking blue eyes that were fixed on her from behind a glaze of tears. The remaining occasional whimpers stopped completely, as the tiny thing looked at her, something like curiosity in his gaze. Scowling, she glared right back at the creature who's mere existence had brought on a curse upon her people. What she wouldn't give to turn back time and take back her hand in aiding its creation.  If she had known....

Shaking her head, she renewed the ferocity of her sneer down at the crib and raised her hand, golden whisps of magic swirling around her palm. Sudden peels of laughter broke her from a haze of anger, and she blinked down in surprise at the little nuisance. It's face was twisted into something joyful, and it's small limbs kicked at nothing in the air. It's sparkling wide eyes were transfixed, staring at the light dancing around her fingers that had paused in mid-air.

A strange feeling twisted in her chest. It was different to the all-too-familiar fire of hatred, or disgust that described the majority of her emotional state recently. The tinkling sound of mirth was still ringing in the air between her and the baby, and it's eyes were still crinkling in something like excitement as they darted from her face to her glowing hand.

Before she could think of what could have possibly possessed her to do so, she moved her fingers slightly, the shimmering spirals of gold twisting and moving around them as she did. They stretched out from her hand and swirled in longer strands in the air above the crib. The laughter became louder and more excited, and her bewilderment grew alongside the anomaly that still bubbled inside her.

The little thing liked her magic? And that smile, along with his eyes and the few strands of distinct blonde hair...they were all so heartwrenchingly familiar to her. For the first time since she had stepped in, she was really seeing it. The tiny bundle of life that looked so much like the one that had been lost in its place.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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