ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕠

Start from the beginning

Jenny tugged on our intertwined hands in a nervous attempt to get my attention away from a now worried old woman who started to fidget with whatever was inside her pocket. "I'll be right behind you. Save me a seat," I said, giving her a reassuring smile.

Jenny disappeared through the cafeteria doors and Mrs. Julia pulled me away from prying eyes and ears. "I hate putting this on your shoulders, but I don't know what to do." Her cold delicate hands grasped mine.

She stared at me for a moment without speaking. I could see the struggle in her eyes on whether or not she should tell me whatever it was that was invading her thoughts.

"Everything okay?" I arched my brow as I waited for a response.

With a sigh, she slowly pulled out a dark green handkerchief. Something was wrapped up inside. "We're running low on food and..." She paused and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Um... I don't know how much longer we have before the supplies are completely gone."

Unraveling the handkerchief, she held a few small pendants. The one with a small ruby the size of a marble in the middle and gold trimming caught my eye. Another item I spotted was a silver band that had obviously been someone's wedding ring. "I managed to get these items from a couple of friends that were willing to give up some of their valuables to help out."

"Help out?" I questioned.

She placed them in my hands and gently closed them as if to seal what she was about to ask. "I need you to take these and trade them on the other side—the north side."

Immediately, the weight of holding the precious gems became slightly heavier. "The Luckies side?" I said, as if her saying the north side wasn't confirming enough. She continues speaking, but her voice is drowned by my thoughts like a salty tidal wave devouring sand castles on the earth's shore. We weren't allowed to go anywhere near that side due to the regulations that we were slapped with the moment we got the Zcure. This included the daily checkups, lined up at the Center Hall making sure the cattle didn't turn back into zombies and being forced to attend ZA group meetings.

Why turn us back only to make us live this way? It made no sense and I was tired of it. I was tired of falling in line and being told what to do. It was about time for a change and I'm going to be the one to shake up this shit.

"I'll do it." I said, placing the valuables in my pocket.

Julia straightened the poster and peered deep into my eyes. She wrapped her arms around me, giving me a tight squeeze. "You be careful, okay? If things go sideways, just run and don't look back."

"I'll be fine, I promise." I patted her on the back. I wasn't much of a hugger, but I didn't want to ruin the moment so I did the best I could muster.

"Do you want one of the boys to go with you just in case? Like, back up?" She sniffled as she let go of her embrace, "Spencer maybe?"

I didn't need a tag along, let alone Spencer of all people. He despised every single one of those Luckies even more so than I did. Having a hothead as back up would for sure ruin my cover.

"No, I'm better on my own," I said as my voice beamed confidence.

"You're one brave seventeen-year-old, I'll tell you that," she said, picking up the broom to continue sweeping the glittery fragments.

I headed to the cafeteria and found Jenny sitting in our usual spot in the very back corner, next to a few familiar faces including Spencer. I rolled my eyes as if my body had a mind of its own. His short blonde hair that was combed back made his ocean blues more noticeable, including the small pink scar under his left eye. He mentioned it during one of our ZA meetings that he got it before the change but nothing more. Looking down below his undercut chin I could see the bite mark including the one on his hand as he went to scratch his stubbled cheek. He got them when he turned. They were trophies he liked showing off.

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