"That is... a theory. One that should be saved until maybe after saving our house, hm? I can't live in the walls of a house that doesn't exist." He starts pushing me out into our dining room.

"But that's what I'm saying. Your gift was so bad that it drove you to live in the shadows of your family and--"

"(Y/N)! You ready?" Luisa shouts through the house.

"Oh, look, you have to go!" Bruno shove me out of the painting. "Please, just help us. If not for yourself, do it for Mirabel. I mean, she cares about our family and our miracle. A lot. Dolores tells me everything. Now go!" He goes back into the wall just as Luisa rounds the corner.

"C'mon! Abuela's letting us all pick out fireworks." She smiles happily, picking me up and throwing me over her shoulder. When we arrive, the lively air of our family makes me forget all of my worries. Luisa sets me down gently and we make an afternoon out of picking out fireworks and getting ingredients for mami to make snacks. Antonio insists that we buy warmer clothes because he wants Tía Pepa to make it snow, so even though it's a warm day for late December, we buy hats and mittens along with sleds.

"And we can make snowmen!" Antonio giggles cheerfully, telling us all in great detail what we'll do in this snow that he's forcing Tía Pepa to make.

"Antonio, we live in Colombia. You've never seen snow in your life and I bet Abuela has seen it at most five times in her lifespan. How do you even know what snow is? Or what people do in the snow?" Camilo asks sassily, trying on a very unflattering beanie.

"Mirabel reads to me! I know all about Canada and snow!" Antonio giggles.

"Name one province in Canada." Camilo eyes him warily.

"Uhh..." Antonio goes on for a long time until Mirabel finally speaks up.

"Alphabetically, they go Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. I can also do when and how each province or territory was acquired if you'd like." She smiles at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Please God no. That, Antonio, is someone who knows all about Canada."

"Like a human Wikipedia page." I smile dreamily at Mira.

"Slow your roll, Camilito." Tía Pepa pipes up, approaching us.

"Mami, please, you know I don't like that name." He groans and she ignores him.

"I remember you begging me to make snow a few times when you were his age. I think it was after Mirabel got a few books on the north for her birthday..." She trails off, trying to think of when it actually was.

"No, Tío Bruno read to us a lot. I remember it was a book about a talking puppy who was scared of snow until her mom taught her how to sled and how much fun snow could be. That was Cami's favorite book that Tío Bruno ever read to us." Mirabel smiles fondly at the memory but a dark cloud grows above Tía Pepa's head at the mention of Tio Bruno.

"Ah, yes. That. Oh, look!" She looks over to mami across the store, quickly swiping her cloud away. "My sister! I should go... help... her. Bye!" She chuckles nervously, quickly leaving. Mirabel and Camilo continue talking but I'm too busy staring Antonio down.

"Not a word about Bruno." I mouth to him and he nods quickly, seeming frightened.

"Camilito!" Mirabel fake swoons, locking her hands together and placing them to the side of her head and leaning into them.

"Shut up. Don't think I forgot about Mirita, the adorable little fairy princess."

"That was once! We were looking at our old Halloween costumes and I just so happened to be a glitter fairy once and Mami just so happened to gush over how cute I used to be before I turned into a failure."

"You're not a failure!" Antonio and I gush at the same time, rushing to her sides.

"I was the one who stole--" I start but Mirabel makes a loud shushing noise. "I stole--"


"But I was--"


"I stole--"





"Shhhhhh!" Her shushing becomes more angry and I finally stop. "You stole nothing."

"I stole your gift."

"Antonio, go beg your mom about snow." She doesn't take her eyes off me but the small boy scampers off. As soon as he's gone, I speak again.

"You think you're a failure because you didn't get a gift but the only reason you don't have a gift is because I fell off the roof like a dumbass--" She lets me ramble for a second but grabs my shirt collar aggressively, kissing me harshly just to cut me off. When we pull away, Camilo whines in distaste.

"Not fair. My turn." He moves Mirabel slightly, immediately kissing me sweetly. I giggle into it and he pulls away, looking at me questioningly.

"Let's save this for warming up after sledding, hm?"

Word Count: 1,498

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (2/15/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 1,527

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now