Here Right Next to Me

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The sextet had spent the whole morning discussing what songs they should cover -- Pripara was a place for them for perform, after all. 

It was not an easy decision. There were some songs they could perfect, however, most of the nominations either did not enough people to complete the formation patterns, or having members not knowing the choreography.  'A total headache' were the words Kasumi Mahiru, All Star's leader could describe the situation. Soon, though, they came to a conclusion, which will be informed of later.

Before going to the strange world of Pripara, SoLaMi Dressing begged them to teach them a few moves to improve their choreography. In an hour or two, they had learnt so much. 

Although not interested in joining JYP Entertainment, Ako had learnt JYP's Basic Dance Routine, and was willing to share her knowledge. In addition, they were taught some routines inspired by different K-pop dances. Of course, they were all on the upbeat side, like IZ*ONE's Violeta, TWICE's What is Love, Yes or Yes and Red Velvet's Peek-A-Boo. 

Shion and Sophie, whose's styles leaned towards what Koharu called 'Girl Crush', wanted to learn more. However, they did not have enough time. The girls of Parajukku did not have the YouTube app to learn from tutorials, so the Ai-Stars girls decided to film themselves dancing, letting the duo to learn from watching videos just like them with fan-cams of their favourite idols, something they would take reference to when they create their own dances later on.

They arrived at Pripara after lunch along with SoLaMi Dressing, all their bags with them. To the God Idols' surprise, the newcomers did not change in any shape nor form. They clothes and hairstyles had not changed, not even Nanakura Koharu, whom Sophie thought would have the biggest change in looks. Meanwhile, the sextet were pointing out the difference between SoLaMi Dressing and their normal selves.

Mahiru had customised their outfits that morning after deciding on the songs they would cover. Dressed in full black and white sportswear, comfortable enough to make big movements full of energy and strength due to their powerful choreography, their clothes were rather plain even compared to Shion's despite being in luxury brands such as Chanel and Adidas.

Giving them a tour of Pripara, SoLaMi Dressing then gave them a performance of 'Make It' in the TV building. They watched as the audience cheered and clapped for them, but Ako knew the Ai-Star girls, under Mahiru's leadership, Laura and Yume's vocals, her dance skills, Koharu's elegance and Aria's facial expressions were better at performing as a team. 

Besides, Shion, Leona and Sophie didn't seem to fit in the song's cheerful vibe, contrasting to the sextet, whom could all fit in Girl Crush style impeccably, some perhaps radiated more 'Crush' than others. Although Aria often had trouble at first, she managed to mask her discomfort with her facial expressions and assertive stage presence, slowly earning the title as the group's 'Maknae Center '.

This disturbed Aria, Mahiru and Ako a little, often called 'the Holy Trinity of stage presence', known all across Kira Kira City. All members of SoLaMi Dressing all kept on plain faces throughout the performance, only smiling and winking when it was their turn to sing, or when the camera zoomed closer to their faces. However, it was not the way the Ai-Stars girls regarded as 'charismatic', though their smiles and winks were never forced.

Koharu, majoring in fashion and design, winced at SoLaMi Dressing's extravagant puffy dresses. The Aikatsu Stars system had long abolished uncomfortable outfits ever since Koharu herself slipped on the stage when she had accidentally stepped on her Sun Dress while dancing, causing an outburst of complaints from fans and fellow idols alike. Having too many accessories that made the dress overly heavy, it did not allow the girls to properly show their dance skills. Perhaps it was because Pripara was a place where everyone could be idols regardless of their talents -- it masked the fact that many of the girls lacked proper training. 

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