Don't be Afraid

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'I wanna know know know know what is love'

"Why have you been dancing to girl groups nowadays, Asahi?" Nozomu asked one day, curious. "Koharu-chan did a solo dance cover of this song and many others in her YouTube live with Aria!" Answered the younger, showing him a video clip on his phone. 

Nozomu's eyes widened. "What?" Both of them turned to watch the stream, which was fortunately, still available on YouTube. Nevertheless, they were interrupted a few minutes later by Kanata. "Practice is cancelled. Subaru isn't feeling well. I reckon he has a fever or something." The brunette announced, and the two blondes cheered. "My muscles have one day to relax!" Asahi stretched his arms. 

"Don't worry," Kanata assured him. "We'll still have solo work-out sessions to complete. Besides, Mahiru told me Koharu likes boys with abs, so get up from the sofa and start exercising."

Instagram Group Chat : subayume shipping society >D<

hii._ru added mid_.zy and nctzen.0316

Changed the name of the chat group now that Asahi told me kanako has sailed!
And welcome our dearest kanako to the shipping society!

so this is the gc where u guys used to ship us?

It's glad you noticed!



I wanna see!

Show us! This monster is making us do exercise!
but exercise is good for you Asahi

Is Yume free?

Of course she is! She's just right next to me watching Hime's videos

I approve! 
Subaru is feeling unwell and we need someone to take care of him
We need to train the rookies, Kanata has yet another meeting coming up,
and Asahi and I are going to film parts of our movie today so we want
her to come over
Is that okay?

Leave that to me! I'll be shooting with you guys today so I can distract her

Me too! I'll help too! ;)


"Yume-chan!" Mahiru screamed while opening the girl's bedroom door. 


Mahiru stormed inside the girl's bedroom. "Subaru-kun is sick. Shall we go visit him together?" She said. 

The blonde agreed. "Sure! Why not?"

"Then get dressed, girl! And cook something for him! I'm waiting for you!" The brunette answered bossily, opening said girl's closet and picking an outfit for her. After rummaging from drawer to drawer, she found a white dress, a pink blouse, and pairing it with one of her favourite bags. 

A few minutes later, Yume had finished getting ready, and the two young women left the dormitory, to Ako's happiness. The redhead then phoned her boyfriend, telling him the news. 

"Code pink, I repeat, code pink!" Asahi told the others. "Mahiru-chan is slaying as always!" 

The three males immediately started cleaning the house, and Nozomu had to admit they did quite well, considering they don't tidy their dormitory often. "I can just call my maids to clean this mess! I have a meeting up in ten minutes and I do not want to be disturbed!" Kanata complained, while arranging the pillows on their sofa -- they had a pillow fight the day before. 

"I can see them coming! Get back to whatever you're doing! I'm sorry for disturbing your work-time, Kanata, but be prepared for some Kasumi sibling fun!" Asahi exclaimed, happy to see his sister again after a week or two. 

Ding Dong ~

"I'll get it!" Asahi sped towards the entrance. "Hi Mahiru and Yume-chan! I'm so glad you made it! I'm sorry, Yume-chan, but Mahiru, Nozomu-kun and I are going to the filming place now! I trust in you that you'll take care of Subaru-kun well."

Yume nodded. "I'll try my best." She took in the surroundings, trying to absorb how different M4's dorm was compared to hers. "Can you show me where Subaru-kun's room is before you go?" 



It was rare for Yume to see Subaru, a workaholic, excusing himself from his work. It must be a very serious case, she thought. 

Asahi opened the door to a rather large room, revealing Subaru, lying down on a spacious bed, blankets covering his body. "Yume-chan's here to visit you! And she brought you some food as well! Remember to behave and take your medicine when needed, okay?" Only a muffled reply was heard in return, proving to Yume that he was truly feeling unwell. Asahi ignored the response, and gently closed the door. 'Good luck ', he mouthed. 

Entering the room, Yume set down her bags and headed towards the bed. "How are you doing, Subaru-kun? Are you feeling better now?" She opened her bag and took out a container. "I made congee for you." 

She helped him sit up in bed, taking out a spoon, then began feeding the male the food she'd made. "Is it too hot?" she asked, and he shook his head in reply. "Is my cooking good enough?"

"It's heavenly." He spoke the words in a voice softer than she could have ever imagined coming from him. Maybe it was because he was sick. "It reminds me of my grandmother's congee. She made a lot of congee when I was young, since my teeth couldn't really chew much back then." He smiled despite his discomfort and sickness. "Do you cook often?"

Said girl looked over at his face. He was paler than usual, however, still wanted to converse with her despite him being sick. "I'm S4's official cook, so of course I do! I cook for my fellow members almost every day." She said quickly, then added, "seeing you like my cooking, maybe I should cook for you one day." 

His eyes burned into hers. "Then I look forward to the day you do so." He whispered, taking in another spoonful of congee, admiring her cute visuals in the meantime. Although he fell in love with her because of her personality, it didn't mean that he did not like her appearance. 

His emotions soon took control over him. Although he didn't want Yume to get sick too, he buried his head in her shoulder and brought his arms around her. And Yume was completely flustered. She tried moving his arm so that she could get out but his hold only tightened around her protectively. She also attempted to nudge him but it did not work as well. "S-Subaru..." She mumbled, struggling to breathe as the hug was extremely tight.

"Yes?" He asked gently. 

"I like cuddles too, but I can't breathe!"

Giggling, the elder let go. "I'm sorry." He loosened the hold. "Is that okay?" 

"Yep! Let's cuddle!"

And that was when Subaru lost it for good. He had to confess before it was too late. He had feelings for her, and he was sure she liked him more than just a friend. When should he do it? How should he confess to the girl without making himself flustered?

He had to figure out the answer. Quickly. Before it was too late.


This chapter is just a filler so hope you enjoy! Remember to vote and comment before you leave!
Have a great day,

- Momoka @shiny_smile_girl

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