18. A Love True

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There was a terrible storm battering every corner of Amity the next morning. It was the perfect backdrop to what Maddie was feeling in her heart, even if outwardly, she remained the picture of calm efficiency.

"Do I have to go, Mother?" Devon complained as he lingered at the door, his schoolbag on his shoulders.

"You'll be fine. Just wear a big hat."

"But look at it out there! It's positively apocalyptic."

"Just because you know fancy words does not mean you get to skip school. Now, go. You only have a few months left of school, anyway. You should make the most of it."

"A few months, that's right. Thank you, all that is holy." With a sigh, he put on a hat and opened the door, then paused to look at her. "How about you? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready to work?"

She smiled tightly. "In a bit, yes," she bluffed. "Have a good day at school, dear." She leaned over and pecked him on the cheek.

"If I catch a cold, it will be all your fault!" he called accusingly, taking off at a run through the rain.

Maddie shook her head as she shut the door. Her being kicked out of the Duncan house last night had been good timing, at least, since she didn't have to worry about going to work in this nasty weather today. She started to head to the kitchen when someone rapped on the front door. Devon?

She opened it, and someone came barreling inside, dripping all over the floorboards. "What the...?" her words ended as she found herself looking right up at Ambrose Duncan, almost unrecognizable in simple clothes and with his hair all wet. He was holding luggage in each hand, which he promptly dropped to the floor.

"I apologize," he sighed, flicking back his dark, damp hair. "I don't mean to intrude but..."

"It's alright. Come over here." She dragged him over to the fireplace and left him there as she went to fetch him a towel.

Afterwards, she watched as he took a moment to wipe his face and dry off his hair, except that he wasn't doing it right. "Here, let me," she offered, and he bent down slightly so that she could help.

"Are you alone?" he murmured after she was done, a glimmer in his eyes.


"Good." Casting the towel aside, he grabbed her around the waist, pulling her to him and pressing his lips fiercely against hers.

This time, Maddie could not fight him anymore, nor did she want to. She clung to him, cold water and all, losing herself in his kiss, his tongue teasing hers over and over as if in a dance.

Finally, Ambrose drew back, panting slightly. "Forgive me. With you, it is all too easy to get carried away."

He's not the only one. What are you doing here, Ambrose?"

"I have something for you."

The next thing she knew, he was on one knee, pulling something out of his pocket. "Hold on, it's a little damp from the rain." He wiped something off on the inside of his shirt before holding it up to her.

Maddie's eyes widened at the gleaming silver ring in his hand. It was plain and simple, but all the same, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. "What are you doing?" she whispered.

"I'm making my own happiness. Maddie... Madeline. Madeline Price. You are a kind, strong and tenacious woman. I am honored to know you. My only regret, if any, is that I did not have a chance to know you sooner, truly know you. My time with you in Dyon has changed me, made me understand an important part of myself. From this moment on, I wish to be a part of your life and for you to be a part of mine, if you will it."

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