16. A Kitchen Flirtation

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"Why have it in Fairmont Gardens when you can have it here? There's plenty of space and we'd have the whole staff here right on hand," Mrs Duncan was crowing to Gywneth and Mrs Swan out in the gardens one afternoon. "We could set up a gazebo here, and the seating area here and..."

Maddie watched them from where she was right outside the servants' door, beating the dust out of the kitchen mats. She didn't want to hear about all these wedding arrangements, but at the same time, some inexplicable, self-punishing side of her couldn't help but listen in.

The very idea of Ambrose and Gwyneth getting married right behind the Duncan home, right under her nose while she would be slaving away in the kitchen over the food to be served... well, was there really any greater insult?

Still, she knew very well that she had no right to complain. This had been her choice.

"What do you think we should have on the menu?" Gwyneth wondered as the trio began heading back towards the house.

"Oh, I have plenty of thoughts on that. We should get some opinions." Mrs Duncan stopped as she spotted Maddie nearby. She ran a cold gaze over her, then turned away. "Let's go inside and ask Ambrose what he thinks, shall we? Too many eyes and ears out here, besides."

Gwyneth's lip curled as she and her mother followed Mrs Duncan into the house. As they entered, someone else came out, brushing past them. Maddie's heart quickened for a moment, until she saw that it was just Joy, clutching a book to her chest.

"Good morning, Joy," Maddie greeted her.

"Oh, hello... Miss Price."

Maddie stopped at that, her brows lifting. "'Miss Price'?"

Joy looked around for a moment to make sure no one was around, then came over to her. "I feel strange to call you 'Maddie' now. After all, we almost became in-laws."

Maddie smiled at that. "Right. Still, it feels really strange. Please just keep calling me Maddie or your mother might have questions."

"Oh, well. Perhaps I shan't call you anything at all," Joy sighed.

Maddie noticed the book she was holding then, a first since Joy had never been known for reading before, unlike her oldest brother. Growing bold, she asked, "What's that?"

"Arthur Flynn. The first of his trilogy. Thought I'd give it a try."

"He's supposed to be very good."

"So I hear," she answered with a bittersweet smile.

"Well, happy reading," Maddie said, turning to leave.

"Wait," Joy called, clutching Maddie's arm and taking her by surprise. "Um... I just wanted to thank you. You showed me great kindness in Dyon, even though I didn't deserve it and I'm sure you must have been more concerned about finding your son at the time."

"It's alright, Joy."

"There's so much my family doesn't understand, mostly because they refuse to. They blame you because it is easier that way. It is only me who knows of your kindness, and so I must thank you for that," she said in earnest.

Maddie nodded slowly, touched by the girl's words. "Thank you, Joy."

"I know how disagreeable Mother can be. I cannot wait till I am out of this house and running my own household, which apparently, I will not have to wait long for."

"You don't have to marry anyone you don't want to."

"Yes, I imagined you might say that," she replied with a dry smile.

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