6. A Battle of Wills

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Hours later, the carriage came to a convenient stop outside a place called The Fig Inn & Tavern.

Maddie and Ambrose tumbled out with bags in hand, staring up at the building, which still had a few lights going inside.

Maddie wasn't one to wait for anyone to open any doors for her, so she pushed forward, making her way inside while Ambrose trailed along behind her,

"I'd like a room, please," Maddie announced to the pasty-faced, bored-looking man behind the counter. She paused, glancing surreptitiously over her shoulder. "Preferably something better than whatever you give this man."

Ambrose elbowed her aside all of a sudden, planting a bag of coins on the counter. "Sir, I believe this is enough to reserve all your rooms for the night."

"What do you think you're doing?" Maddie hissed. "You can't do that."

"Can I not?" he asked with an expectant glance at the innkeeper.

"It is a lot of coin, lady."

"You can't just leave me out in the cold!"

Ambrose smirked at her. "I'd be happy to give you a room of your own... if you ask nice."

"You cannot be serious," she exclaimed hotly.

"On the contrary, I'm the only one here being serious, it seems."

Maddie ignored him to face the innkeeper. "I was here first, and you were about to give me a room. After that, he can purchase all the rooms he wants."

"Sir, I'll throw in extra if you accede to my request first."

The man's eyes lit up then, and Maddie knew she was outmatched. "Fine," she spat, grabbing up her bag. "I'll go find another inn then."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, " Ambrose called after her. "A young woman alone, out at night?"

She glanced at him over her shoulder, blood boiling at that little smirk on his enviably soft lips.

Ambrose considered a moment, then nodded at the innkeeper. "One room for me and one for the lady," he decided finally. "Here. This should cover it."

"What are you doing?" Maddie questioned, while the innkeeper set out two keys.

Ambrose picked up his bag with one hand and took his key with the other before pausing to regard her. "An extension of Duncan generosity. You would do well to accept it."

Maddie didn't know what to say to that. All she could do was stare after him as he headed upstairs. After a moment's thought, she went over, accepting the key.

"Enjoy your stay," the innkeeper said. He seemed amused by the entire exchange.

"Thank you." Though I don't see how I'll be able to, with that man around.

She went upstairs, and was not very surprised to see Ambrose letting himself in at the door next to hers. Oh no, we're side by side?

He paused, eyeing her as she fumbled with her key. For a moment, she thought he was about to say goodnight, but in the end, he simply let himself in without a word.

She let herself into her room, trying not to focus on the fact that Ambrose Duncan was right next door. Add to that the fact that he was no longer her employer, and it made the whole situation feel even more bizarre.

Speaking of which, was I right to do that? I could probably find another job if I wanted, but then again, I hate to end things off on such bad terms.

It's not like me to make decisions in the heat of the moment like that. When I get home... should I beg for my job back?

Maddie sank down onto the bed, frowning to herself. There would be no hope of getting her job back if she could not fix this situation with Devon and Joy. She wasn't sure what she needed to do exactly, but she had to find a way to smooth things over with the Duncan family somehow.

She glanced out the window, wondering where Devon might be. Eventually, a thought occurred to her. What if... ?

No. She didn't really want to explore the idea any further, though she would probably have to in the morning. For now, though, she needed to shut off her mind. She needed to rest.

She changed into some nightclothes and blew out the candles, climbing into bed. As she did so, she was aware of faint creaks on the other side of the wall in Ambrose's room. He must be turning in too.

She soon drifted off, the last thought in her mind that for now, all she and Ambrose had in this big city was just that – each other.

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