11. A Dream Date

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"I'm impressed, Maddie," Ambrose said to her that evening over dinner at The Fig. "You found them, perhaps not where they are but where they will be, and that is all we need."

Maddie blushed at the praise. "Thank you."

"A stroke of luck," Cyril said dismissively, cutting through the air with an arm.

"Ignore him," Ambrose told her. "He's just in a poor mood because his feet hurt."

"Well, these shoes were not fit for traipsing around the city all day."

"I told you to buy new ones."

"I did, didn't I?"

"Getting them custom-made takes time."

"But they'll fit perfectly once they're ready."

"And you're willing to suffer in the meantime?"

"I'm not buying standard-size shoes."

"How did we get onto this topic of shoes?" Maddie asked, arching a brow.

"Lord knows," Ambrose said with a sigh.

"Forget the shoes. We need to decide what we're going to say to the 'happy couple' when we see them," Cyril stated.

"We're going to tell them that they're making a mistake," Maddie put forward.

"And what about consequences?"


"If news of this gets out, your son will have damaged our family's reputation, possibly irreversibly. We have a right to some form of restitution."

Ambrose shot him a look of exasperation. "We haven't even found them yet."

"But you agree with me, don't you?"

"All I care about is Joy's safety."

"What about that Devon boy? If we speak to the guard, we might be able to get him charged. Kidnapping, perhaps?"

"That's enough, Cyril."

Cyril frowned at his tone. "I don't understand. Have you forgotten why you're here, brother? Why aren't you looking out for our family's interests?"

"I am. But that doesn't mean we must neglect Maddie's or her son's. They matter too."

Cyril scoffed at her. "She should be grateful that we're not asking for his head on a platter."

If there's anyone's head I want on a platter right now, it's his, Maddie thought to herself, biting her tongue.

"Cyril. Go to your room."


"I believe I spoke clearly."

"You can't send me to my room! And I'm in the middle of dinner."

"Cyril Duncan," Ambrose's voice boomed, and Cyril jumped. This time, he scrambled to his feet.

"Alright, fine," he relented, muttering to himself as he headed upstairs.

As soon as they were alone, Ambrose turned to her. "Please, do not take his words to heart."

"Your brother always was such a charming young man."

"I do not agree with him. I want you to know that."

"I wish I could believe that you will be fair to my son."

"I believe I can be." He reached a hand across the table, placing it over her own. "You have my word, Maddie. No harm will come to him."

Maddie said nothing, pulling her hand away in surprise. It was not that she minded his touch, but it was so unexpected, she wasn't sure what to make of it.

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