8. A Criminal Act

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That evening, Maddie was staring into the fires of the Fig Inn & Tavern as if seeking answers in them. She was drained and disheartened after a day of failed searching and hopeless leads. And worse, she had no idea where to look for Devon and Joy tomorrow. She did not like that. She did not like not having a plan.

Across from her, Ambrose's expression was pensive. He too looked worried and discouraged. "That Glenn fellow..."

"He was lying."

"That was your conclusion too?"

"Devon would have gone to him for sure, or at least told him something of his plans. Those two are more similar than they realize."

"In what sense?"

"They're both the kind to speak and act before thinking," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"Is that why you and him never married?"

"That's really none of your business, Mr Duncan."

"I was simply curious."

"No, you want gossip."

He made a face at that. "Gossip? Gossip is for those old peacocks on our street with nothing better to do. I'm trying to take an interest in your life."

"My private life, and 'private' is just the way I intend to keep it."

"It's unusual for a woman who was in your... situation... to refuse to marry."

"It's also unusual for a man to be engaged for two years and counting."

He seemed taken aback by her remark. "Well, I've always believed there's a right time for everything."

"Or perhaps we both are simply not inclined to marry."

"I wouldn't say that. I simply want to be sure before I take my vows." He slid his gaze away, brows furrowing. "I would hate to be trapped in an unhappy marriage." It made Maddie think of his parents, who had been together for so many years but spoke so little. And then, there was Mrs Duncan with her secret letters and little disappearances over the years... Perhaps Ambrose knew too?

"So do I," she said.

"Something we agree on then."

Despite herself, a smile tugged on her lips, and she found herself relaxing a touch. "Everyone wanted us to marry. My family. His."

"So, what happened?"

"He offered. I refused. I said I wouldn't be anyone's obligation."

Ambrose leaned forward slightly across the table, intrigued. "And your son?"

"My parents wanted to give him away to some rich family. Again, I refused. They weren't happy about that at all. That's why I haven't spoken to or seen them since."

"So, you made up your mind to do it all on your own?"

"Yes, which is exactly what I've done these past fifteen years. I raised Devon by myself. It wasn't easy but I did it. I did what they thought was impossible."

"Yes... but did you do it simply to prove a point?"

"I did it because he's my son. I wasn't about to abandon him the way they abandoned me."

"How admirable. I wish I could say that you raised him well, but considering his actions of late, you'll see why that would be a lie on my part."

Maddie shut her eyes briefly, trying to keep her patience. And here I thought, we were just starting to have a meaningful moment of conversation. "How do we know this elopement wasn't your sister's idea?"

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