2. A Woman's Desires

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Later that same night, Maddie's entire body was sore and tired as she made her way out of the Duncan place to head home. Just then, she noticed a familiar figure hovering in the front yard.

"Devon?" she called, waving him over. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd walk you home."

"Oh, that's sweet, honey," she went, giving his shoulders a squeeze. "But you know, you shouldn't wait for me out here or people will think you a stalker of some sort. Also, the servants' door is round the back."

"Oh, right." He shook his head, lip curling with distaste. "Of course, you have a different door."

"It's just a door, Devon. Don't make too much of it."

"But what does the door represent?"

"Hmm, how about the transitorious and ever-changing nature of all things in life?"

"The word is transitory, actually, and you know what I mean."

"What do you want from me, Devon? To leave my job? It's the only way I can put food on the table," she reminded him as she took his arm.

"Of course not. But what about Father?"

"What about him?" she returned without missing a beat.

Just as Devon was about to answer though, they heard the front door fling open. "Oh, Maddie! Maddie!" A young girl with fair curls and almond eyes came running out to meet them, skirts in hand.

It was Joy Duncan, Ambrose's younger, only sister. Maddie had practically watched her grow up from a baby to a beautiful girl who was already turning heads wherever she went. It was still strange to think about sometimes. "Maddie, what do you think of this dress?" she asked, twirling her pink silk skirts. "Do you approve?"

Hardly an important matter to be getting her opinion, Maddie thought, but she nodded, smiling politely. People in this house, whether it was the employers or workers, seemed to like coming to her for some reason. Perhaps it was because she was one of the longest-serving staff there, even though she was only just over thirty. "It's very pretty."

"Really? I do love it so," she said with a sigh that sounded pleased. "Anyway, thank you. I'd better get inside." She let out a soft, pearly laugh as she turned towards the house. "Goodnight!" She called, hurrying back into the house while the two of them stared after her.

Devon was scratching his head of thick, jet-black hair, the gesture making him look so much like his... no, Maddie didn't want to think about that. "Did she really run all the way out here over a dress?"

"Leave her be, Devon. Come on," she urged, pulling him along. "Why don't you tell me about school today?"

"Pfft. I'd much rather talk about Arthur Flynn's next book. Finally, finally, we're going to get the last in the trilogy. It's supposed to be out any day now. You should try it, Mother."

"I don't exactly have much time for reading, Devon."

"It's too bad. He really is a great writer. And not too flowery, you know? He keeps it easy to understand."

She pretended to be insulted. "Thank you for that."

"Oh, come on, you know I didn't mean it like that..."

They continued chatting as they strolled the streets, the neighborhoods around them transforming from manors with sprawling gardens to tiny cottages shouldering each other's weight.

Dinner that night was leftovers from the Duncans' as usual, which was admittedly very good since the head Mrs Ward knew her way around the kitchen. Then, it was off to bed, or at least, it should have been.

Instead, Maddie stayed awake to go through her savings, which she kept in an old shoebox. Two hundred fifty eight dollars. Not much more to go until three hundred that should be enough for the Dyon trip. I'm so close. Once I have that, all I need is to get Mrs Duncan to agree to let me off for a few days.

Maddie put away the money, covering the box and slipping it back inside her closet. Getting that time away would be a challenge in itself. Having anything less than a full staff always made the woman nervous, as she started conjuring scenarios of 'But what if...' so on and so forth.

Still, aside from the standard one free afternoon a week, Maddie hadn't asked for time off in years. Even Mrs Duncan had to respect her for that, right?

The next day, Maddie figured that it might help to pre-empt the woman a bit, so she made up her mind to go speak to her and start easing her into the idea. "Anybody know where Mrs Duncan is?" she asked out loud while washing up in the kitchen.

"Out in the gardens," Ruth told her. "Why?"

"I just want to ask her something. Wait... how's her mood today?"

"From what I heard, no headaches or tremblings today, so that should be a good sign." Ruth leaned over conspiratorially, brows dancing upward. "Are you going to ask her to let you off for that Dyon trip?"

"Yes, I thought I might as well. I almost have enough saved up now."

"Ah, if only I could come with you. Who knows? Perhaps we'd land ourselves some rich husbands and then we'd never have to work another day in our lives!"

Over by the stove, Mrs Ward grunted to let them know what she thought of that. "A steady job's better than some husband who'll simply up and leave you one day."

"Not everyone is like Mr Ward, Mrs Ward."

"Consider yourself warned."

Maddie chuckled and shook her head. "You can wish for all the husbands you want, Ruth. I'm off the market."

"What? Don't be ridiculous! You're as pretty as ever."

"It's not about being pretty. I'm well past marrying age, and I have a grown son." Or in less polite terms, I'm used goods.

"Nonsense. It can happen for you as well as anyone. Now, go. Go out there and talk to Mrs Duncan!"

"Alright, I will!" she laughed, buoyed as always by her friend's infectious energy. She stepped out of the kitchen, crossing the gardens in search of the mistress of the house. It took a while but Maddie finally found her sitting alone on a bench, reading something.

Maddie hovered behind the older woman, trying to steal a peek.

A moment later, Mrs Duncan turned sharply, making a point to tuck the letter away. "Maddie? What do you want?" she asked testily.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Duncan, I was wondering if I could soon take a few days off of work?"

"Why?" she asked, dark brows furrowing in her narrow face.

"I intend to go on a trip to Dyon with my son."

"Dyon? Well, that's a long way away."

"It's something of a dream of mine."

"What do you plan to do there?"

"Take in the sights, meet people, go shopping, get pickpocketed, the usual sort of thing."

Mrs Duncan blinked back at her. "Was that a joke?"

"Yes. Or an attempt at one, rather."

"I don't know, Maddie. A few days... and the kitchen..."

"Please, it would mean a lot to me."

"I will think about it," she said airily.

Maddie took in a deep breath as if about to say something, but then thought better of it. "Alright. Thank you, Mrs Duncan," she made herself say before excusing herself and turning on her heel.

That had pretty much gone as expected. She would just have to keep working on the woman and wear her down. There was no way she was going to give up so easily.

She deserved this. One way or another, she would go to Dyon.

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