10. An Unwelcome Guest

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"You?" Cyril said distastefully as he looked at Maddie. "What are you doing here with my brother?"

"I came to look for my son," she explained, then wondered why she even owed an explanation to this brat of a man who was three inches shorter than her.

"We came to Dyon together," Ambrose said calmly.

"You and her? Together?"

"Well, not deliberately, of course."

That got Maddie's attention. "Of course, for I'm simply a servant girl," she said coldly, getting to her feet.

"No, Maddie, that's not what I meant," he said quickly, standing up as well.

"What did you mean then?"

"That it was the product of circumstance. But now, we're allies."

"We're not two countries fighting a war, Ambrose. We're here to find your sister and my son."

"I haven't forgotten."

"Hold on now," Cyril broke in self-importantly, putting his hands up. "If anything, you and your son have caused enough damage, Maddie. You should leave this matter to us."

"Cyril, do you mind?" Ambrose told him off. "And if you're here, who's taking care of Mother?"

"Mother's fine, but she wanted to know why you were taking so long to write to us with an update."

"I haven't written because I have nothing to report."

"It's been a few days now. Who knows what he has done to our sister by now?!"

"Keep your voice down," Ambrose hissed, grabbing his arm and giving him a shake. "You shouldn't even be here."

"Well, I am here. And I intend to stay and help. Joy needs us."

"Excuse me," Maddie said, already heading for the stairs. "I think I hear my bed calling."

"Maddie, wait," Ambrose tried to stop her.

"It's late. You need to tend to your brother. We can talk more tomorrow."

"What's there to discuss?" Cyril piped up, shrugging his shoulders.

Ambrose sighed heavily, shaking his head. He seemed too tired to know what else to say.

"Goodnight," Maddie said pointedly, looking only at him and not Cyril. She trotted upstairs then, making out the sound of Cyril still prattling away downstairs.

That night, sleep was near impossible. She found herself staring at the wall of her room, thinking about Ambrose on the other side.

Earlier that night, they'd had such a pleasant moment together. It had been a nice change from all the fighting the past few days. It had felt like... like they'd been starting to see each other for who they really were. Just two people looking for hope and comfort.

Then, Cyril had come along, a stout, mouthy reminder of what a silly notion that was. She and Ambrose might be learning how to be civil with one another, but they would never be on the same footing. Even leaving his employ would not change that.

Maddie sighed as she tossed and turned on the bed, feeling oddly restless. What did it matter anyway? Why should she care that he was so far above her? It was not like this was anything new to her. She knew her place, unlike Devon.

Devon, where are you? I wish I could know if you're safe. I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone but how could you do this? How could you shut me out this way?

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