13. A First Kiss

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Their last night in Dyon, and it was another restless one for Maddie.

It was late and she was sitting in front of the dresser in her inn room, her limbs filled with nervous energy. A few feet away, Devon was curled up on the floor, snoring softly in sleep, but she was wide awake.

Finally, she made up her mind to get up and do something. Throwing her shawl on over her shoulders, she stepped out into the hallway, shivering in the night air. She went next door, pausing to take a deep breath. She was just about to knock when the door opened, giving her a fright.

"Maddie," Ambrose sounded in surprise. Just the man she'd wanted to see. He slipped out into the hall with her, pulling the door shut behind his back. Presumably, it was to have some privacy away from Cyril, who was sharing his room as Devon was sharing hers.

Ambrose took her arm, leading her down the hall to a quiet spot by the window. Outside, a half-moon peeked out from behind the clouds, its light casting a soft, otherworldly glow over his features. "Is everything alright?" he asked, concern written all over his face.

"Yes... I just wanted to thank you for showing my son mercy in all this, even to the point of standing against your brother."

"Cyril's like my mother, governed too often by emotion for his own good. Pay him no mind."

"I also want to thank you for all your help. I know we didn't always see eye-to-eye but I'm glad you were here with me."

"I'm glad I was able to help. I should have trusted you. You're a woman of sound judgment, Maddie."

"I make mistakes, just like anyone else. I still remember when years ago, the whole town could talk of nothing else but my 'mistake'."

"But you've risen above it and you've raised Devon well, all on your own."

"He's not a bad kid... just a romantic. How is your sister doing?"

"She's heartbroken but I think she'll recover. I'm sure she'll do much better once she's at home with her mother."

"You must be anxious to be home. I'm sure you must miss your home, your family, Miss Swan..."

He said nothing, biting his lip.

"Well, not to worry. In a matter of hours, we'll all return to Amity and we can begin to move on with our lives."

"What if I didn't want to move on?" he asked quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I've changed? What if... what I want has changed?"

Maddie stared up at him, at a loss for words. In her silence, he moved closer, cupping her cheeks with warm, gentle hands. Tilting his head, he pressed his lips to hers, holding the kiss there in a moment that seemed to have no beginning or end. His warmth was all around her, powerful and unmistakable, almost like a spell threatening to draw her in.

Then, Ambrose shifted slightly, moving to deepen the kiss. But Maddie wouldn't allow it. She pulled back, finding her voice and speaking in a rush, "I think it's time we said goodnight to each other."

Ambrose blinked at her, and she could practically see his mind working, trying to understand her reaction and formulate a response.

She decided it might be better not to give him the opportunity to say anything, otherwise, she might lose her resolve. She turned on her heel, making a break for her room and slipping through the door. After shutting it behind her, she leaned against the wood, breathing heavily.

Moments later, she heard Ambrose's footsteps pass her door, before fading away into his own room.

What just happened out there? She touched her lips with tentative fingers, the sensation and taste of his kiss still clear in her mind and heart. He kissed me. Why?

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