Chapter 20: Following Breadcrumbs

Start from the beginning

"I failed... again." Her voice cracked like she was broken all over again. She faltered as she couldn't bear to look at him and instead, allowed her body to fall against his chest. It was warm and calming, just what she needed.

"Don't be so hard on yourself my Mariana. You didn't fail as it was just a dream." He said and used this thumb to wipe her face. "It wasn't real my baby."

"I know, but it felt real." She sniffed and wiped her nose with the fringes of her PJs. Micah got a tissue from the side and cleaned her nose.

"I know my baby," he spoke with empathy, "but sometimes we don't see these things coming and it can catch us off guard. But that still doesn't mean it's your fault."

"Yeah, I guess that's true," she mumbled into her pajama top. She started to calm down a bit and breathed more softly.

"Thanks." She smiled and nuzzled his nose. She pressed out her lips and kissed him repeatedly. He always knew how to make her feel better, and that was something she definitely needed during these difficult times.

She fell asleep peacefully after that as he snuggled her up like a warm blanket.

The following morning, Mariana and Micah were busy having breakfast in the Landscape of Flavors. There was a huge beam of light on the ceiling which had fishes swimming around. There were pictures of fireworks displayed around the tables as they poked at their waffles and sausages. Their faces hung low as they nibbled off their forks.

Leilani and Miguel looked opposite at them with concern. They wanted to brighten their mood in some way until they got something from the detective.

"Hey, um, do you want us to take your mind off things for a little bit?" Leilani asked nervously.

Mariana sighed heavily and just nodded. A tear dripped from her eye and onto her waffle as she couldn't be bothered to look up.

"Alright, so what should we do?" Leilani tapped her chin and started thinking.

"Well, Mateo has been getting better at origami lately, maybe he could make something out of the napkins?" Miguel suggested as he wiped some cream off his mustache.

"That's a good idea," Leilani said and then turned towards Mateo who was eating a sandwich.

"Mateo, would you like to make some of your origami for Aunty Mariana?"

"Okay!" Mateo happily obliged and cleaned his hands with the napkin. He started folding it and produced a crinkly rose that was ripped at the edges.

"Here you go!" Mateo displayed it with the happiest smile.

"Aw thank you, Mateo." Mariana smiled and then took the flower into her palms. It looked so gorgeous and made her laugh for the first time today.

"It's okay!" Mateo bounced in his seat and then took a sip of his apple juice. He made loud slurping noises as some of it dripped down his chin.

"Mommy, where are my friends?" Mateo asked, which tingled Mariana's ears and made her eyes droop. Her breakfast started to look soggy within her watery lens as it made her lose her appetite.

Leilani noticed this and quickly got out a coloring book and crayons to distract Mateo with.

"How about you do some coloring while you have your breakfast?"

"Okay, Mommy!" He took them from his hands and opened up to some random page. Meanwhile, Mariana went back to nibbling as she was close to crying again.

"I want my babies back," Mariana mumbled with her voice breaking, "I'm just confused on how we didn't see it at first."

"Well... she did say she almost changed her mind, so I guess last minute?" Leilani said while nibbling at her fork.

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