xvi. you should put your weapons down before you go and start a war

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"Run!" Five called out, stumbling backwards. The three started to run towards the barn, the Commission agents following mere paces behind.

"If I knew we were going to be running I wouldn't have worn these god forsaken shoes!" Liv yelled as she sprinted across the field. Her long capacity was not made for running, it was made for low-effort sports like croquet and pigeon shooting.

Bullets hit the grass behind them, thousands of bullets aiming at their heads. "We're not gonna make it!" Diego yelled. Five grabbed onto both of them, teleporting them closer to the barn. "Oh, Five, I think I'm gonna puke!"

"No time!" The three took shelter behind an old red tractor which helped deflect the bullets. "What now?"

"We blink into the house!"

Five attempted to teleport them, only for minimal energy to come out. "Shit, I'm out of fuel. I'm too tired"

"This is why I tell you to bring coffee grounds with you, you dunce!" Liv yelled.

"Go, you two go. I'll cover for you," Diego said, getting out from behind the tractor.

Five and Liv took the opportunity, looking back to see him holding the bullets in suspension. Five covered Liv's head, protecting her from any stray bullets. As the two walked to the porch of the house, bullets were flying. They took cover under a table as sparks of fire rained down on them. They laid on the floor, guarding their heads.

"Five. Just in case we die-"

"We won't. I promise. You won't die. I've got his. We've got this."

She smiled, viciously nodded her head. "I never thought I would be scared to die."

He shrugged, "Faster than falling asleep."

"In- well in case we do- just as a precaution. I- well I really like you Five. I really liked our time together."

"I love you too, Livvy."

Suddenly, the bullets stopped raining down on them, the entire world seemingly going silent. She assumed it was the fear. That the love between the two had made them transport to their own universe, but he must have realized it had stopped as well. Five got up from under the table, peering out of the kitchen window, only to see there was no one there. The Commission Agents had all suddenly disappeared.

The two watched as Lila moved up from the ground, raising herself into the air. It was as if she had Vanya's powers.


"Shit, shit, shit," Five muttered as he threw himself and Liv back onto the floor.

The energy passed through the room with a gust, forcing most of the items to fall to the back wall. The two looked up as Luther fell through the ceiling and onto the area in front of the fireplace.

"Luther, you all right?" Five asked, moving closer to check on him.

He groaned in response, "I think I swallowed my tongue."

"Luther, if you swallowed your tongue, you wouldn't be talking, you big moron. Come on, on your feet."

Luther got up, disgruntled, "What the hell happened? What was that?"

"She must've redirected Vanya's energy wave."

"Yeah, I know, but how?"

Five looked up, suddenly realizing that the fireplace was not as sturdy as previously thought. "Luther, watch out!" He yelled, pushing his brother out of the way. The bricks of the fireplace collapsed onto him, trapping Five under the ruble.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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