xv. i should move to a brand new city and teach myself how to die

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"Just now you're telling us that we all die? Just now? Five's been back for days!" Diego argued.

The Hargreeves children were all sitting around the living room discussing their new found doom. Liv sat back and watched as they fought, most of their criticism going to Luther's lack of honesty. It wasn't as if there was any easy way for him to break the news to his siblings. 'Sorry Diego, but you're gonna die in a few days'. Honesty was the best policy, that was the golden rule, but sometimes honesty opened a whole new can of worms that did not need to be opened. 

"Well, there was never a right time," Luther responded in defeat. Everyone was screaming at each other.

Allison looked at him, "Is it just us?"

"It's everybody."

"In the house?" Diego asked.

"No, outside the house. Everyone died," he turned to Liv, "You know the most, explain it!"

"Uh-" she stuttered, "An event happens that.... causes everyone on the planet to go bye-bye."

From behind her she could hear the shuffle of footsteps and someone saying a small hello. Everyone turned to see that it was Vanya, late to the meeting, with a random guy in a plaid shirt. He looked like a weirdo, that was for sure. 

"What's going on?" She asked, standing in between the two couches. The boy she was with, well man, looked awkward, like he didn't exactly know what he was doing there. At the same time, he looked giddy. He was an odd man. 

Allison thought for a moment about how to breach the subject, "It's a family matter."

"A family matter" Vanya repeated, "So you couldn't bother to include me."

Luther shook his head, "No, it's not like that. We were-"

"No, please don't let me interrupt."

Allison got up from her seat and approached her sister, "Vanya, wait. I'll fill you in later when we're alone."

"Please, please, don't bother. And I won't either."

"Vanya, that's not fair," Allison argued.

"Fair? There's nothing fair about being your sister. I have been left out of everything for as long as I can remember. And I used to think it was Dad's fault, but he's dead. So it turns out you're the assholes."

Vanya and her friend turned and walked out of the living room, seemingly going to exit the building. Allison tries to follow after her only to be stopped by Luther.

"No, wait, there isn't time. We need to figure out what causes the apocalypse. Now, there are loads of possibilities. Nuclear war, aester-"

Liv interrupted him, "Luther, Luther. As much as I absolutely love and appreciate your suggestions, I think the best thing for us to do right now would be to kill those four people that Five picked out for us."

"Stop with this murder tangent."

"I'd hate to kill those people, but this is our only lead. Five is the smartest person in this household, you are all proof of that. He knows his stuff, if he thinks this is the best option, it just might be. While he is out following his lead, we need to follow ours."

"No. I've said no multiple times, this is final." He turned around to look at everyone, "I'm thinking this is about the Moon. Right? Dad must have sent me up there for a reason. I was giving him daily updates on the conditions- I sent field samples. The first thing we need to do is find his research."

"Hold on. Hold the phone," Klaus interrupted, "We all died fighting this thing the first time around. Remember?"

"Klaus, shockingly, has a point. What gives us a win this time?" Diego asked.

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