xiii. cause you know it don't matter anyway

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The return to the Academy had been tense to say the very least. Luther remained quiet, the shock of his brother being a murderer still eating at him. Five and Liv were quiet as well, she was still a little mad about the abandonment fiasco.

"There's blood on the floor," Liv pointed out. Footprints made of blood were coming from the third floor bathroom, leading into one of the bedrooms. As she walked closer to the bathroom, she could see blood on the sides of the tub and the faint red color of the water still remaining near the drain.

Five followed the footprints down the hall, standing in front of one of the open bedroom doors. He motioned for her to follow him, waving his hand at her. As she approached, she could hear Klaus talking to himself and groaning.

He walked inside of Klaus's bedroom, the biggest of all of the rooms, and knocked on the door. "You okay?"

Klaus turned around at them both, allowing for her to finally notice the changes in his appearance. A tattoo was on his left upper-arm, maybe she hadn't noticed it before. Dog tags, like vets wore, were around his neck. He was shivering and shaking, holding a shirt in his hands to put on.

"Hey. Yeah, I just...long night," he quietly responded.

Five chuckled, "More than one, from the looks of it."

"What's with the blood in the hall? Are you hurt?" Liv asked, moving closer to Klaus. She tried to place her hand on his shoulder, only for him to flinch away.

"Fine. Just...you know."

"Don't remember the dog tags," Five commented.

Klaus grunted like he was in pain, "Yeah, they belonged to a friend."

"How about that new tattoo?"

Klaus looked at his arm, sighing, "You know, I don't totally remember even getting it. Like I said, it was a long night."

How long of a night could it have been if he was in the captivity of Hazel and Cha-Cha just last night?

"You did it, didn't you?" Five asked, a slight smile on his face. Well his smile was always like a smirk, she never saw him truly smile.

Liv looked back at him, "He did what?"

"Look at him. Look at the symptoms. Jet lag, migraine, full body itch all-"

A moment of realization dawned on her, time travel. That was what it was. The first time she had ever jumped through time she remembered the beast of a headache she had. Klaus had stolen Hazel and Cha-Cha's briefcase.

"Time travel!" she turned to Klaus, "You did it!"

"Your pals, when they broke into the house and couldn't find you two, they took me hostage instead."

"And in return, you stole their briefcase," Five said. The two continued to smile at each other, in amazement of the drug addict who they thought would never be able to accomplish such a task. He time traveled!

Klaus sunk down onto his bed, "I thought there was money in it, or I could pawn it, you know, whatever. And then I opened it."

"And the next thing you knew, you were... where?" he asked, eagerly pacing through the room.

Liv sat down on a beanbag on Klaus's floor, "When in time were you? Probably '55, right?"

"What difference does it make where I was?"

Five shook his head, stopping his pacing, "Okay, how long were you gone?"

"Almost a year."

She leaned forward in her seat, "A year, seriously? I've never been in a time for that long. I don't think the briefcases are even meant to keep a person there that long." She turned to Five, a little high on the excitement of it all, "You know what we should do? Even though we don't work for them anymore, we should write the Commission a letter. I bet they would love to hear about this! It's such an advancement!"

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