vi. where rockefellers walk with sticks and umbrellas

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Five paced in front of the radio display in Elliott's house trying to convince himself that his stunted siblings would deal with their issues and help save the world. The convincing himself was clearly not working as every few moments he would start to spiral.

"She'll come back. I know it. It would be stupid of her not to." He swore it was the lack of caffeine in his system, though Liv would attest to it being because of it.

"So you just let her go?" Diego asked as Lila changed the dressings on his stabbing wound.

"Well, Vanya had a lot to process."

"An entire lifetime of forgotten trauma is going to take months for her to figure out. By then we will all be burnt to a crisp," Liv remarked. She only knew one big thing about the trauma, powers and ending the world. It wasn't like anyone was going to tell her about all of the times the family left her out of the friendly game of football.

He continued to assure himself, "She'll come around. I know it."

"What about the guys who went after her?"

"The Swedes?" Five asked for specifications.

"Yeah, I mean, how do you know they won't go after her again?"

"We don't. Simple as that."

Lila looked up from her cup of coffee, "Any idea who sent them?" Of course she was collecting information about the Hargreeves's game plans. Reporting back to her dear friends at the Commission. Even if Lila wasn't there to murder them, she was there for something, and Liv needed to figure it out.

She smiled, "We have our suspicions."

"Right now, our priority is finding Dad and getting answers 'cause everything else depends on it."

"Which, for the record, I found him already," Diego corrected.

Five sat down, picking up a cup of coffee from the table. That would be his ninth one of the day. "And then let him go before we could have a meaningful conversation."

"He stabbed me."

"I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge."

Lila began to chuckle, "Good one." She lifted her hand up, waiting for Five to return her high-five.

Mistake Numero Uno. That was exactly why the Commission didn't send agents on missions without proper coverage of every single time period and its mannerisms. Lila had received the training, Liv knew she had, but she must not have paid attention. High-fives weren't prominent until at least the 70's, bridging on the 80's. Five would notice.

Luckily, he didn't. "Good thing I know where Dad's gonna be tonight." He handed Diego a paper, forcing the injured man to sit up to reach it.

"Where'd you get this?"

"Found it at his office while he was busy stabbing you."

Diego began to read aloud, "Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala"

"Who, wait," Elliott chimed in, "Hoyt Hillenkoetter? Are you serious?"

"You know him?"

"We should go. Says there's gonna be a seafood tower," Lila said.

"No, Hillenkoetter is... is one of the Majestic Twelve."

"Majestic?" Liv asked, "Fun little adjective."

"The hell is the Majestic Twelve?"

Elliott looked confused at the group's lack of knowledge. "What? It's a... a secret committee. Uh, scientist, military, uh, deep state. No one knows what they really do." He went digging through his desk, searching for something to prove the group's existence.

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