Words can't describe how beautiful the song is.it feels so foreign until you feel and understand it.

"It's so beautiful!" You said with a bright smile on your lips as your eyes sparkled.

"I know." Taehyung said driving with his one hand and he smiled.

Oh god this is all new to you! You saw your ice cube boss freaking smiled and his smile is so beautiful.

Another song started playing in the background but it was just instrumental but it felt so soothing and it felt different especially with taehyung beside you.

You didn't know but you liked this side of him, maybe there's something more about taehyung you didn't know,maybe you really are judging him by his cover.

You wanted to know him more not just his cover, you wanted to know the real him.Taehyung was like a mystery box and you really want to unfold him.

You turned the music off making taehyung frown.

"Why did-" he started just to be interrupted by you.

"Mr.kim! Can we like start off again  and be like friends...?" You asked looking directly at him which made him glance at you,it's like he was reading your face as he looked at you.

"Please!" You threw him your puppy eyes.Taehyung sighed before nodding hesitantly and looked at the road.

"Ok!so ask me any question you want?" You beamed at him as he prepared himself for whatever is about to come.

"For what..?" He questioned

"Of course to know eachother! Silly mr.kim" you slapped your head dramatically as taehyung nodded totally ignoring the fact that you called him silly.

"Why don't you start first?"

"Ok then,what's your favourite colour!?" You excitedly asked.

"Grey." Said taehyung

"Mine is blue. Now you"

"Something you don't like in people?" He asked

"Dishonesty." You answered smiling earning a nod from.

"Describe me in three words" You asked

"Clumsy,silly,expeditious assistant" he answered earning a blank stare from you.

"Excuse me!" Taehyung chuckled and that's it the words you wanted to say got stuck in your throat.

"What? I was right." He paused and continued

"Your Education?" Taehyung asked as you cleared your throat before speaking.

"I did Bachelor's degree in fashion designing and graduated an year ago." You spoke as taehyung shot his head at you.

"You did-what!?" He asked perplexed

"Bachelor's degree in fashion designing." You repeated as if it wasn't a big of a deal.

"Then why are you working as p.a when you could literally start designing things on your own." He said voice calm but he was confused.

"I had to. Actually I tried getting into different industries but none of them worked out because I'm inexperienced" you continued

"And i really needed a job right now, so yeah here i am~" you said keeping your legs crossed on the seat earning a "what the hell are you doing" look from taehyung.

"U-huh" you were about put your legs down when taehyung spoke

"It's ok. Keep them up" you complied throwing a sweet smile at him.

"And do you have any Sketches drawn by you, could you bring them to office after we return back,i wanna take a look at them." Taehyung continued as You nodded.

"Of course!i could" you exclaimed

"Ok next! If something could make you happy right now,what could it be!?"

"You resigning!" Taehyung answered.you felt like punching him but you controlled yourself.

"Ok mr.kim i don't think this works.I'm sleeping"You said turned to the other side pouting.

"Ok! ok! I was kidding,i really i am!" Said taehyung chuckling making you smile as you sat straight and the whole ride from Seoul to busan went with you and taehyung talking, laughing and knowing eachother.

It went totally different unlike taehyung thought,he got to know you more in this little journey and he was willing to know more about you.

"My mom used to call me panda because of the dark circles i had under my eyes!" You laughter echoed in the car as taehyung just chuckled hearing your little story when you are in 11th.

"We're here!" Taehyung announced as you looked outside seeing that you already reached the destination.

"I didn't even notice it"

Finally reaching the hotel in Busan you both stepped out and walked into the lobby.

You stood behind taehyung as he was standing infront of the reception collecting both of your room keys.

"Here,it's your room keys." Taehyung handed you the keys and walked forward followed by you beside taehyung.

"The wedding is in the evening,you can take rest until then." taehyung said to which you nodded.

"But i didn't bring any suitable dress for the wedding,you didn't tell me we're going to a wedding" you complained as taehyung stopped walking resulting you to bump into his back and You moved back instantly as he turned around.

"Then let's go shopping in the afternoon" he said and moved to the side towards a room unlocking the door.

You looked at the number on your room key and it's right beside taehyung's.

"Ok then!" You said and walked towards your room unlocking it and entering inside with your luggage when taehyung yelled which made you regret your decisions.

"Rest well momma's panda!"


A/n: ok! Here is another boring chapter 🙂✨i actually thought of unpublishing this book because this doesn't seem interesting.

What do y'all think about it should i unpublish this book or should I continue?

Vote and comment if you like the book,it'll motivate me to write❣️

Have a good day💜✨

His Clumsy Assistant |•K.TH X Reader•| Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora