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There are three main types of viewpoint, one of which you probably wouldn’t use when writing a story. You need to decide which one you’re going to use before you begin, although it’s always okay to change your mind as long as you’re consistent.

First person is when the story is narrated by a character and is best used when you want to explain the thoughts and feelings of a particular character in depth. Try to avoid switching POV between your characters all the time. If you want to create a broader view of the story, consider writing in third person instead.

Example one: I hated the way my red hair fell around my shoulders.

Example two: That’s when I knew I had to do it.

Second person is the one that’s not usually used for story writing. It’s more common in guides (like this one!)

Example one: You’re here now, and you know you can’t turn back.

Example two: You’re going to the park later and you’re looking forward to it.

Third person creates a broader view of all your characters and is written as though someone outside of the story is narrating it.

Example one: Tara often dressed in simple clothes.

Example two: The cold wind nipped at his face.

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