Chapter 10 ~ Calm

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"Master, what do we do?!"
"The council has no idea where they are... how are we meant to find them?!"
"Do you reckon maybe they were lyin? Let's go smash em up!"

"SILENCE!" Makarov roared from atop his seat at the bar.
An eerie quiet fell over Fairy Tail's guild hall, a place that would usually be filled with merry chatter and laughter.

He sighed, "we have no idea of Natsu and Lucy's whereabouts yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're in trouble. There may have simply been some complications with the job that require they stay longer."

"Complications?! Are you shitting me gramps?! You heard what Happy said!" Gray shouted, pounding his fists against the table.
"Master It's been weeks! There's no way they wouldn't be back by now, complication or not!" Lisanna joined, her face contorted with worry.

"Even I can't track them!" Cana interjected, her cards thrown out in front of her, "these stupid things are telling me they aren't even in this country anymore and that can't be true! And if it is, then what the fuck happened?!"

He sighed again, running his wrinkly hands through his beard.
"...I know that this isn't what any of you want to hear but... we simply have no other option but too wait. We've done everything we can, my children. Search parties, spells, help from the council... there really is nothing more we can do.

Happy quickly interrupted, "but somethings wrong! Really wrong! I know it is! They would have at least sent word that they weren't coming back for a while if it were just a delay, I know it! Please believe me, gramps!"

"I do believe you, Happy. Never have I said otherwise. We've just ran out of options."

He closed his eyes,
"if something truly is wrong, I believe with all my being that Natsu and Lucy will still come home and you all should to. Those two are some of Fairy Tail's finest and if anyone can make it back, it's them.

Lucy's POV

"Oh be quiet, it's not that bad!"
"Well this is what happens when you leave wounds like these untreated, you donkey!"

Natsu slept for the better part of two days, only waking up when I wanted him to eat and drink. I can't say I'm surprised, his body was pushed way past the normal threshold to the point of complete exhaustion. It would drive anyone to mental and physical collapse, even someone of his caliber.

I kept myself busy while he slept, I went out a lot to look for food but I could never find anything substantial enough for the both of us.

I tried hunting for meat with the spear Natsu made... but I gave up. All it took was one look in the eye from this boar I was hunting and I didn't have it in me to kill it.

As I was walking back to the cave however, I came across a big berry bush. I didn't know whether they were safe to eat or not but then remembered the saying mama taught me:
'White and yellow kill a fellow. Purple and blue good for you. Red could be good, could be dead'
Luckily the ones I found were a rich purple, so I had faith that they were okay to eat. I grabbed as many as I could, popped one in my mouth and continued on my way.

To my surprise, Natsu was awake when I got back. Groggy... but awake.

"Why, good afternoon sir," I joked as I walked up to him.
He turned to look at me, discombobulated.
"Berry?" I offered, lowering my hand so he could see it's contents. He perked up when he saw them and snatched a few, gobbling them up and muttering a 'thanks' between mouthfuls.

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