You don't know?

I do not. He is with the King presently, he will come to us when he can.

I do not like this king... Thorn's voice turned dark, I do not like him keeping Murtagh from me.

I know how you feel.

The pair spoke through the night, and continued on well after the sun rose.

* * *

Lorena thought about stopping and allowing them all to eat when she spotted a lone rider across the plains. She glanced around her, but there were no houses or towns anywhere close, there was no one to help her. Turning back to watch him she saw that he in fact was heading her way. Deciding to see what he wanted Lorena allowed the stallion to take a break and waited while he approached.

"Riding alone ma'am?" he called as he came close, then pulled to a stop, "It's not safe out here."

"So I've been told," Lorena retorted examining him, knowing there was no one near enough to hear her scream. She would have to take care of him herself if it came to a fight. He had a strong build, she guessed a farmer or someone who was accustomed to demanding physical labour. He possessed average features; a nose that was too large for his face, thick brows, thin lips, a well trimmed brown beard, but deep blue intelligent eyes.

"May I ask where you are going?"

"South, to a town along the Tüdosten."

"I have family along there, may I ask which town?"

Lorena bit her lip and scrambled to think of a name. "I seem to have forgotten all of a sudden, I apologise, I guess I shall think of stopping for the day when I happen upon the next village. Then I may get my bearings in order."

"Well, I shall escort you, ma'am."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary."

"I believe it is. It's not safe, and I could never willingly allow a woman to ride by herself. If you forgive me for saying so, especially not dressed the way you are. I don't think I've ever seen a woman dressed in trousers before."

Who's that?

Lorena glanced up at Thorn, the dried mud had peeled in places and the red showed through, Don't let him see you.

He gave her in inquisitive look. "Are you feeling alright ma'am? Maybe you should come back to my farm, my wife should be finished preparing lunch around now."

Remembering the stale bread and cheese in her saddle bag, Lorena struggled to force herself to shake her head. "I truly can't."

"Why are you so against protection?" he asked exasperated.

"Excuse me, sir," Lorena snapped, "but you are not my father, brother, nor betrothed, and I do not see how I am any of your concern. I must be on my way." Giving the stallion a kick she went to guide him around the man, before he pulled his own horse in front of her.

"Because, ma'am," he almost hissed back, "if my daughter, sister, or wife were travelling alone I would wish for a trustworthy man to protect her from the vile that crawls across these lands. Therefore, I must insist."

Just then she heard a familiar thudding sound and felt a burst of wind across her face. Thorn, no!

The dragon landed next to her and roared, no longer a squeak nor was it playful, but was the sound of a powerful, angry beast. Both horses bucked, and it took all of Lorenas' strength to hold on. She burst into the mind of the stallion, then spoke to him in the ancient language, telling him to not be afraid. By the time she steadied her horse, she looked up to see the young mans' had bolted and he lay on the ground. Thorn stood over him, hissing.

Dunei - A Murtagh Love Story - Eldest Fan FictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant