Name: Morgan Ada Potter

Birth date: July 31st, 1980

Age: 6

Parents: Lily Jane Potter nee Evans (Mother) - deceased. James Fleamont Potter (Father) - deceased.

Blood adoption/s: Sirius Orion Black.

Magical Guardian: Albus Dumbledore (illegal)

Godparents: Sirius Orion Black. Alice Mary Longbottom

Species: Witch

Soulmate: Tom Marvolo Riddle

Blood Lines:

Potter (by blood)

Peverell Line (by blood)

Pendragon Line (by blood)

Le Fay (by magic)

Merlin (by magic)

Slytherin (by conquest)

Black Line (by blood adoption)

Mistress of Death (chosen by Death)

Champion of Aphrodite


Petunia Marie Dursley nee Evans (Aunt)

Dudley Benjamin Dursley (Cousin)


Parsletongue (natural ability) - 30% active (by Dumbledore illegal)

Parslemagic - blocked (by Dumbledore illegal)

Blood Magic - blocked (by Dumbledore illegal)

Dark Magic- blocked (by Dumbledore illegal)

Light Magic- 100% active

Animagus (natural) – White Dove (Gifted by Aphrodite)

Class understanding – blocked (by Dumbledore illegal)

Natural Legilimens – blocked (by Dumbledore illegal)

Natural Occlumency – blocked (by Dumbledore illegal)

Wandless Magic – blocked (by Dumbledore illegal)

Offensive Magic - inactive

Defensive Magic - inactive

Photographic Memory – blocked (by Dumbledore illegal)



Vault 225 (100, 000 galleons towards school supplies) 

Vault 226 (family vault, 200, 000, 000, galleons increases daily now heir is acknowledged.)


Vault 711 (200,000,000 galleons, 500,000 sickles, 100,000 knuts)

Vault 500 (20,000 galleons, 2,000 sickles, 1,000 knuts)

Vault 811-family vault (books on dark magic, blood magic, necromancy, and artifacts that have been collected and taken from dark magic users. 800,000 galleons, 7,000 sickles)


Vault 45-family vault (books on alchemy, runic magic, charms, transfiguration, Herbology, 500,000 galleons, 200,000 sickles, 100,000 knuts)

Vault 600 (30,000,000 galleons, 20,0000 knuts, 40,000 sickles)


Vault 9 (family artifacts, potion ingredients, books on parslemagic, extinct snake eggs under stasis charm, weapons, 90,000,000 galleons, 40,000 sickles, 20,000 knuts)

Vault 156 (500,000 galleons, 2,000 sickles 450 knuts)


Vault 1 (60,000,000 galleons, 589,000 sickles, 300,000 knuts) (Staff only a true heir can control)

Vault 2 (50,000 galleons, 789 sickles, 456 knuts)(Books of the Old Religion)

Le Fay:

Vault 3 (521,788,954 galleons, 456,980 sickles, 789,000 knuts)

Vault 4 (books of the Old Religion and herbs for potions)


Only may withdraw when Lord Sirius Orion Black has claimed his title and proven innocent may Morgan Ada Potter claim any of the galleons and artifacts inside the vault(s)



Potter Manor

Godrics Hollow 


The Kingdom of Camelot


Peverell Castle in Scotland

Hallow Manor in Berlin, Germany


Merlin Manor in the Scottish Highlands

Emrys Manor in Camelot

Le Fay:

Fay Manor in Scottish Highlands

Fay Castle in Dublin Ireland


Slytherin Manor in London


Only when Lord Sirius Orion Black has claimed his title and proven innocent may Morgan Ada Potter claim any of the properties listed under the Black family name.

Other information:

Loyalty Potions – successful (Keyed to Dumbledore, Ronald Weasley, Molly Weasley, Hermione Granger, Gryffindor, The Order of Phoenix.)

Hate Potions – successful (Keyed to Slytherin, the Malfoy family, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Severus Snape, Death Eaters)

Love potions – successful (keyed to Ronald Weasley when 15)

Core: 50% active (other 50% blocked by Dumbledore)

Morgan felt the tears first, but it wasn't sadness, no this was pure rage, and there would be hell to pay. 

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