Short Chapter: Schneizel life in temporary Gulag

Start from the beginning

After remembering, Kanon remembered him, he was the young man he spared during Britannia's invasion of EU, via Russia, he remembered everything

Kanon: I knew who you are... You... You Roman Barkov... The young that I pardoned a town on the coast of the Black Sea in the Russian lands

Roman: yes... Yes! You remember that you killed my comrades, my friends, even my family!!

Kanon can't help it, he used to be the commander of the young Britannia army who launched an attack on the town where Roman lives in the past

Roman: Now... You've been captured, and my motherland has invaded your beloved homeland! So we draw! You are against my country, we are against your country! By invaded it!

Kanon: I'm sorry... I'm sorry to kill your families, friends and your comrades

Roman: Sorry? Sorry you say? It's too late, no sorry for me. You ruined my life, you ruined everything. Now... I will destroy you and anyone you loves. Start from your lover

Roman shows a screen, where Kanon's lover named Anne is locked up in a room where there is a Soviet commissar in front of her

Roman: You will do see, how broken your heart is without her. *open radio* Казнить ее сейчас (Execute her now)

Soviet Commissar: (In another room) <Ты стоишь того, чтобы тебя расстреляли, грязная сука! (You deserve to be shot, you dirty bitch!) *Shoots his pistol*>

Kanon couldn't believe that they killed Anne so cruelly, then he saw Anne shot twice in the head to make sure she wasn't breathing again

Roman: Yes... That's the real pain when you lose someone you love... *open radio* Next!

Kanon saw that Anne's corpse was taken to another room, and it was her parents' turn to be executed in front of his eyes

Kanon: What would you do?! You're cruel!

Roman: Cruel? Cruel you say?! How cruel is that?! It's you who are cruel! You dare say the people who live in the country you have conquered and call them Numbers! You dare to torture them, it's our turn to torture, you just regret it

Kanon: But not like this either!

Roman: You also caused all Russians to die... It's all your fault! You're the one in charge of all this! I'm sure the Soviet court will not spare you!

Kanon: I'm sorry--

Roman: Do you think an apology is enough huh?! Answer me Earl Kanon Mardini! The former Britannian Army Commander! Reply me! Isn't it worth it as you think?!

Kanon: I do not know

Roman: don't know? *open radio* Kill his parents now

Soviet Commissar: <Yes sir>

Then Kanon saw his parents shot dead mercilessly by the Soviet commissar and then Kanon couldn't hold back his tears

Roman: Yes... Deepest sadness... The technique of torturing me is more mental than physical, because if physically they can still endure it, but if it's mental, they can fall far more than physically. But someday I can torture you physically, if I lost my limits

Kanon: You... You're a monster

Roman: Monsters? You are the monster and I am the liberator. Your empire still using your so-called "Survival of the fittest". Because of that, millions of Russians died and that... It's your fault

Kanon: But I'm not an army commander anymore...

Roman: And now, you'll be living in your cell with the food I used to make and serve to the prisoners, you'll love it.

With that too, Roman kicked Kanon unconscious

Back to First Torture Chamber

After his head was forcibly submerged in water and this is already the 10th time

Schneizel: It's... Enough... This is going too far

Kravchenko: No, it's not over at all *punch Schneizel face*

After Schneizel fell to the ground, three Soviet troops began to beat him with AK-47 butts and kicks and did it repeatedly.

6 hours later

Kravchenko's men took Schneizel into his prison cell, and then locked him

Kravchenko: You look tough and cold, but... We'll see if I can break through. See you tomorrow, you asshole prince

Kravchenko left from there and left a battered Schneizel in the prison cell. Then he saw Kanon being dragged into his prison cell with a feeling of severe shock. Luckily Kanon's prison cell is just to the left of Schneizel's prison cell

Schneizel: What made you so shocked?

Kanon: They... They killed my parents, and Anne

Schneizel: I'm sorry for what happened to you

Kanon: I hope we can get out of here quickly

Schneizel: Don't expect it, it seems that the Soviets are more brutal and cruel than the Germans

Kanon: Indeed... Your Highness

In the next day

Schneizel and Kanon were taken to a room where the Avalon crew and Britannia troops were being held in a room with glass.

Schneizel: What is this?

Kravchenko: Behold... Our weapon that we buying from German, Nova 6!

Kanon: Nova?

Schneizel: 6?

Kravchenko: Yep, the chemical weapons we bought from Germany then we modified to make it more lethal, straight from the Rebirth Island in the Aral Sea. You see... This weapons are our top secret weapon. Upon inhalation, it causes vomiting, violent coughing, muscle convulsions, bleeding from the eyes, and blackening of the skin (necrosis), followed by an agonizing death within 10–20 seconds of exposure.

Kanon: what a dangerous weapon

Kravchenko: yes. But our version is different from German version. Once inhaled, the victim suffers violent coughing, nausea, vomiting, suffocation, bleeding from the eyes, and scaling, burning skin, with death "occurring before the body can even hit the ground". This has a 100% fatality rate that has been noted by Soviet Scientist

Schneizel: so what? What do you want us to watch?

Kravchenko: watch this. Put the gas into inside the chamber

Announcer: <Initiating the Nova 6 Gas into a gas chamber>

And then the Nova 6 gas has entered the gas chamber and make the Avalon Crew and the Britannian army panicked and then within 20-30 second, they all dead with so tragic

Schneizel: my goodness

Kanon: You killed them... You really a monsters!

Kravchenko: oh yeah?

Kravchenko took off his contact lenses and saw a red sigil in his eyes

Kanon: you...

Schneizel: You have a Geass...

Kravchenko: that right *activate his Geass* You won't remember what happened here and you won't remember what happened earlier

The Geass effect also hit Schneizel and Kanon until they were both hit by Geass

Schneizel: *under Geass control* yes... We do...

Kanon: *under Geass control* we not see anything...

Kravchenko: *still activate his Geass* good, now sleep well

In the end Schneizel and Kanon fell to the ground and fell asleep very fast. Then they were both taken away from the room and put into their respective prison cells.

On the following day, Schneizel and Kanon were subjected to routine and harsh torture, giving the impression that the Russian people were angry with their enemies.

To Be Continued.

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