Chapter 14

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A/N: Thoughts on the story so far? uwu I want to know know know know---

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When I almost walk across the gate, Nayeon shows up in my sight and swung her bag into my face. "Hey!"

"Hm?" I blink, pausing.

"Where are you heading? Let's go together,"

"Sure, I'm going to hell by the way," I jokingly say and Nayeon just giggles.

"You're weird, Y/N and that's what makes you interesting," Out of nowhere, I have received a strange compliment from her and I felt oddly awkward.

"..Do you have something to say about me?" I already know what she's here for, but I would try my best to avoid that result as possible.

"Those three in your club made a pretty good expression about you, isn't that nice~?" She's the type to have knacks for this kind of thing.

"I wonder," I mysteriously say less.

At that, Nayeon came closer for a whisper, "So, which one of them?"

"Which what?"

"Which of the three do you like?"

"Don't ask me stupid question," I evidently avoided the nonsensical statement and narrowed my eyes.

"Huh? So you like one of the three. I guess love is always in the air," Nayeon pulls away to maintain personal space as she shrugged.

"Love is a terrible social event. The worst,"

"Hm, I'm not surprised that's how you see it," Nayeon chuckles. "Looks like you don't have an interest in dating,"

"Why would I look someone when I'm literally the best for myself? Screw that," Taking pride in my statement in satisfaction, I stroked my nonexistent beard with a smug face.

"You're the best, Y/N!" Nayeon cheers me on.

In the middle of the unexpected outpouring silence, two people were heading to the same gate. It was the Jihyo and Jeongyeon.

"Hey, how about in the sweet cafe? Let's hang out," The smooth invitation came from Jihyo.

Hearing this, Nayeon tensed at their voices as I draw my eyes towards them. I could sensed that Nayeon is hiding from behind me.

This is an opportunity for her.

"Oh? Is that you, Nayeon? Great timing! We're just going to look for you! Join us," Jihyo was the first one to notice her.

At this, Jeongyeon gazed away with a frown. I blink my eyes at the weird reaction from her.

"Hey.." She softly greets Nayeon. The sudden change of her demeanor was quick.

"I'm pretty busy... sorry, I can't join you," She declines and the way she clings to me makes me feel awkward. I know she's trying to hide, but I'm getting an intense stare from them.

"Who are you with?"

"This is..."

"Hey, I remembered you from the high touch event a month ago," Jihyo tilts her head.

"Y-yes, this is Chun Y/N." Stammering the entire sentence, I had a feeling where this is going next.

"A friend? What about us, Nayeon? Lately, you have been avoiding me and Jihyo. The heck is wrong with you?" Jeongyeon's suddenly cryptic comments made Nayeon's eyes bulge bigger.

It was the sharp-looking Jeongyeon that made the atmosphere tense, and pressured Nayeon.

"I'm not..." Nayeon's shivering like a child and pulls my sleeves for help. Noticing this, I gave it a good look and remained observed.

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