Chapter 48

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A/N: I miss you guys!!!

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Out for a break, I head over to the outside of school to get a drink. Having a company is good, but recharging by being alone is the best.

I'm the type of person that winds away from people. I don't see myself staying longer with friends and chitchat them, can't handle that.

I looked over crowd in the distance, there was a familiar face and it had to be Myoui Mina. All I could do was stare and takes a sip of my canned drink.

No idea what the crowd was all about but I'm guessing it's the festival. While I was watching them, I've realized my involvement in society and school functions was fairly low. It doesn't matter as long as I live life my own way.

"We're gonna open a cafeteria in our class!"
"I'd like ours to be a booth!"
"An art museum would be great too!"
"Prez! If you please, accept our request!"
"We promise we're going to make this festival a huge, memorable success!"

Nasty how they're simultaneously shout at the same time. That hurts my ears and I wish I could mute people in my life.

On the other hand, Mina wasn't looking well.

"Hm?" Concerned, I had to lower my canned drink and looked at Mina.

"Slow down," Even Seungmin can't handle the riot the students was asking for. He needs to be professional if he wants reputation. I'm still wondering if I've met him before though..

My eyes didn't leave Mina until she seems to have lost her balance, and held her head that felt heavy. Thankfully, she fought back her illness.

That reminds me... Mina did mention me that she can't handle crowds. What are you doing, Mina?

It's as if she was suffocating, the tightness must have made her uneasy and panic. This is a common fear for introverts, but it doesn't have to be all of them. Mina is uncomfortable.

"Prez... I'll be right back," Whispering in a crack voice, Mina clamps her mouth and runs away.

"Wha!?-" Seungmin didn't have time to react, and before he knew it Mina already disappeared.

Who knew Mina had a weakness like this... it's a sad one to be exact more than concerning. I finally understand why she chose to be alone.

There's always a reason to isolate yourself to everyone, whatever that reason is... it had to be in order to protect yourself...

As I gazed at Mina, she was heading to where no one could be at but she stopped midway. I knew I had to do something but my legs were hesitating. Mina went to the bench and took a seat, catching her husky breath.

She must've felt like her world is spinning and her sounds came nothing to her ear. It was as evident as it would only be that she was pale.

Does she needs space? Or does she needs accompany...? I don't know.

Then, Mina clicked her tongue. She looked a bit frustrated and pissed. Why is she upset?

I moved my feet, "Are you okay?"

Her body tensed at my voice and eyes bulged open. "This is nothing..."

I doubt about that. It's always the 'I'm fine' terms and other than that. People don't really know it but it had became an excuse to get away from the ground.

"Why are you taking this alone?" I asks.

Mina then stared on the ground, her eyes are miserable that she was protecting something that's precious to her.

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