Chapter 1

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"Those who haven't joined any clubs yet, pick up the pace already!" The teacher says.

I'm Chun Y/N. I'm the biggest piece of shit in the whole world you've ever seen.

Fact. I don't want to have friends.

In order to instantly escape the chaos, I chose a seat at the very front next to the door, even though it may not be everyone's preferred choice.

"With those words, our class comes to an end! You are now free to leave and attend your clubs," announces our teacher, Bae Irene. Known as the super chic teacher in our school, she is hilariously beautiful, cool, and dedicated.

If you guys don't know, she's in her 30's and single too. Free to date her.

As soon as Irene gave us the permission to leave, I promptly stood up. I soon noticed that everyone quickly averted their eyes.

Although this reaction wasn't unexpected, I've grown accustomed to it. Taking the lead and leaving the classroom, I was followed by the rest of the students.

Generally speaking, what exactly is being a High Schooler about?

Some people might say it's a place to find a true friend and an opportunity for a good life.

But in my case, none of that is true.

A bunch of highschoolers are only looking for friends to survive youth.

Currently, I move to where the path is leading me to and wander around the campus since I have no club from the beginning.

Jinjikou High.

This school has always had very active clubs. Some of them even compete at national level. It would be a taboo if the students hasn't joined a club yet.

So exasperating.

I don't need a club. I can manage myself.

I have a good-looking face too.

Nothing's troubling me.

Being alone is my natural point.

"Chun Y/N," When I almost had the chance to escape, Bae Irene shows up with a cool pose, leaning her back against the wall and crossed her arms like the boss she is.

I tensed after taking one step down the stairs, "Oh, hi, saem..."

"You left so early, huh? Busy with club?"

"Hmm.. yeah, something like that..." My eyes waver and I didn't know what to do with my hands.

"Oh, I see~ Hahaha... You liar, you don't have a club," Her voice sounded creepy at the end that I felt a chill way down my spine, gulping heavily.

Despite her perfect appearance, she can be evil at times... I don't dislike that part though.

"Well for now... I'm looking," I put a hand on the back of my head.

"You said the same thing yesterday and the other day," Irene sighs helplessly.

"That's because they weren't my league... It's hard to find a club that suits your taste,"

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