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Alina's pov

I hate going out that's me you can guess!! and meeting anyone, even my own friends sometimes. Being in the presence of alot of people make me anxious and has always been difficult for me because I never knew how to talk or entertain people so eventually they end up getting bored and me getting irritated.
I hate it! Hate the feeling of being so different yet so similiar, it's just not my thing. I can never know how to do this so I keep myself busy with my stuff. I was never this way though but after some incidents that i can never forget changed my life and turned it 360 degrees to be exact.

Anyways I hope it will be a good day because I am going to my college after a long vacation. Actually it's not even that bad to go out sometimes, nature heals me. Sometimes!
Is it possible to hate everything at the same time. Yeah, i can do that! Every minute of my day is like that, dark and actually just dark. I never saw myself as a beautiful girl... everyone says that i am...but i don't want to believe them. I feel good when someone says that i am intelligent and smart..that makes me feel good.
Outer beauty is temporary and educated people are attractive. I love being that way...i am not an intellect but books are somewhere good to me and we go good together.
It will be a long day, God!


"Alina, GET UP!! It's time for your college honey" i heard mom calling my name from downstairs.
"Hurry up baby" she shouted again.
"Yes, mom downstairs in 5" i said forcing myself to get up
And i headed straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and other business you do in there.

Walking downstairs i can smell some tasty breakfast, wow the favourite part of my day to be honest. Food makes me feel good. So does the sleep but no, i don't live my life upto these only..i like music and sketching too. Learning new things makes me feel happy.
After eating breakfast and a 10 minutes walk to the bus stand and then 10 minutes to the college, i reached on time. Good going!!

Seeing Anna and Lizzy from a distance, I shouted their names and head straight to them to meet my only friends.

"Hi alina" Anna said excitedly
"Hey you both" I hugged both happily
"How was the vacation?" Lizzy questioned in a hope of getting something exciting in return.
But there was none "normal"
I said grinning

"On no, it's 9:00am we will be late for our first class" I said anxiously and started walking towards the class.
It's nice to be back actually, not that bad though.


After attending 3 lectures straight, we should be awarded by "the students to attend classes consistently" award. I so wanna go home now, i am done for the day. Yea that happens with me even after a long vacation. I just feel like i can't do this anymore. But thankfully I have great friends to entertain me.. although they are the only two friends i have but the smaller the circle the less the drama. I like it like that.

Now that I still have 3 lectures to go, i already feel tired.
This was a bad idea, but studies were always a priority to me and I am just lazy I guess. But i always get the work done that's a quality in me.
Anyways heading towards the cafeteria, I saw a familiar face heading straight towards me, from a clear distance I knew who it was, and by the time I turned to the  other direction he was there, in front of me, these boys! No hate really, but just this one i can't tolerate!


"Hey alina, how are you?" Aron asked smiling, idiot.
"Umm hey, great" I wanna punch him in the face right now.
"You got the letters i wrote to you?" Desperately looking at me like i actually read all those pieces of paper! Naaa
"No, i didn't had time" I said honestly.

I can feel his eyes like he'll shoot me with them, asshole

I said almost immediately "i don't want to be around you, you make me feel unsafe"
Feeling guilty but he so much looks like him, i continued "i am sorry, don't wanna hurt you but I have to go"

And i literally started running towards the cafeteria.
Others classes were pain but it's over now, i can finally go home and get inside my bed. Sleep I told you makes me feel good. But i must say it was a productive day, I hope the rest goes well too.

I was outside the college and saw that almost everyone was gone and i honestly don't know, this doesn't happen often but anyways I am waiting for mom, she promised to pick me up today. She is always busy but when today she said she will be picking me up, i was on the ninth cloud, atleast i won't be going home all by myself today!

literally an hour passed but there's no one, She forgot! Again!
I saw a car coming my way and stopped exactly in front of me, merely in a second i was pulled into the back seat and tied up, i tried so hard but nothing made a difference, it happened so fast that it was so difficult for me to register what was happening. Who are they? What they want from me? And i was gone into darkness!!!


I hope you guys like it!!!

I am very excited for coming chapters.
Stay tuned!!!!

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