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The days passed as Aurora walked around, she met many people. Each one more interesting than the last. As she started settling down, she even got a job at a small cafe, it reminded her a lot of Iroh. Most of the older men would always drink tea, she learned making it from the best after all.

The owner, an old woman, gave her a place she could stay in, above the cafe, if she would help, of course she did, she enjoyed helping people. "That would be 21 yuan, please." Aurora said with a smile looking at the young boy in front of her, wiping her hands on her apron. As the boy gave her the money, she noticed guards from the fire nation walk in. Quickly she put the money away, starting to feel uneasy. "Well if this isn't the prince's little girlfriend." The voice explained why she felt uneasy.

"Commander Zhao, how may I help you?" With a put on smile she greeted him. "A little of your tea, on the house, of course, right?" She saw him smirk and felt sick to her stomach. "Sadly, I'm not allowed to do something like that, if you pay you get tea, if not, then you don't." Giving him her sweetest smile she turned away to the stove.

"Besides Commander, I've heard about the avatar being taken from you?" A small smile on her face, she didn't even to know how it all happened, but she knew it was Zuko, maybe he was on his way home right now. "Ah yes it was someone we call, the blue spirit." Zhao didn't seem convinced and she could almost hear his smirk. "Hm, very tragic."

"Yes, just like what happened to the prince's ship, don't you think? An explosion like that, I'm glad his uncle general Iroh left it, before it happened." Everything felt dizzy, a shattering in front of her feet brought her out of her frozen state. "T-the prince-" Her voice was trembling. No this can't be, not like this. Her hands were shaking, she wouldn't dare to turn around to face the commander. "He sadly didn't make it."

His words repeated in her mind, none of them making sense. It can't be, he can't be dead. Tears were glistening in her eyes as she turned around. "You're lying." Zhao smirked. "No, I'm afraid not. The banished prince, the disappointment of the fire nation, is dead." A tear slipped out of her eye. "But you can join us, general Iroh might like to see you again."

With a nod Aurora took her apron off, her hands shaking, her mind didn't think straight. She couldn't focus on anything. Following after Zhao she felt like something wasn't right, she feels like she was going to throw up. As they neared the ship, she immediatley saw Iroh standing by the railing. Stepping on it, it was close to what their ship would look like, but it didn't feel like home. Her head hung low. Nothing would feel like home anymore.

„Aurora!" Irohs voice gave her a sense of comfort as she looked up. As Iroh said her name a guards head shot up. She fought herself to give him a small smile but failed, almost bursting into tears, just barely holding it in. Iroh hugged her and she hugged back. He seemed scary calm about his nephews death, Aurora thought he would be devastated.

„H-He told me that Zuko-" Her voice broke slightly. Iroh gave her a look filled with pity. She didn't care about formalities. He was her Zuko, he was her best friend. Fighting the tears Aurora looked down. Zhao grabbed her arm. „I will show you to your room." Her head shot up trying to pull her arm away. „I didn't say I would stay-" Zhao smirked down at her. „My guards went to get your stuff, from your work." She looked at him in disbelieve.

„You can't just decide that!" Struggling to pull her arm out of his grasp, she started to panic. „Aurora, calm down. Commander Zhao just wants to keep you safe, he thinks people went after Zuko and I. I will bring you to your room." Zhao let go of her arm and Iroh linked their arms walking her down the hall where the bedrooms were.

This was it, her best friend was dead and he wouldn't come back.

Burning Pile (Prince Zuko Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن