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As Zuko got ready Aurora started to bite her nails again, she was worried. She knew what Zhao was able to do. "Stop making me nervous." Zuko said turning to her. "I'm sorry..." Her voice was soft as she gave him a nervous smile. "Didn't you say, you wouldn't waste your worry on me?" He said raising an eyebrow.

Aurora blushed slightly and lowered her head looking at her feet. "You don't need to worry. I won't let anything like that happen again, okay?" His eyes held a softness in them as she looked into them giving him a nod.

The sun started going down so they left the tent walking to where they prepared everything. Aurora looked around nervously. "This could go terribly wrong..." She whispered to herself. She believed Zuko could beat him, he's strong, but Zhao wouldn't let it happen easily. As they both got up turning to each other Aurora stopped breathing.

During the Agni Kai Aurora could barely tear her eyes off of Zuko, he was doing really well. As Zhao hit him with a flame Aurora whimpered quietly, but as soon as Zuko had him on the ground she felt like she could breath again. Aurora smiled brightly as she ran to Zuko, not careing if he would get angry, she hugged him tightly. "You did incredible!" She whispered.

To her surprise Zuko placed a hand on her waist holding her in place looking down at her. His eyes wandering over every little detail on her face. He saw her joy, as much as he saw her still noticeable worry. A yell tore Zukos eyes away from her and she flinched slightly. Iroh threw Zhao back to the ground. The prince was ready to fight again but Iroh and Aurora held him back. "No prince Zuko do not taint your victory. So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat? Disgraceful. Even in exile my nephew is more honorable then you. Thank you for the tea it was delicious."

Aurora held onto Zukos arm, smiling slightly at Irohs words. Zuko didn't pull away from her hold as they started walking back to the ship. "Did you really mean that uncle?" His voice was soft, no anger in it anymore. "Of course, I told you ginsend is my favorite." The girl giggles quietly as she saw Zuko smile.

As they arrived on the ship Aurora felt calm again, her panic already fully gone. "I really didn't like him... He had a strange vibe." She said leaning against the railing. "I don't think any of us liked him, Aurora." Zuko said with a hint of a tease behind his serious voice. "Hm I don't know, my prince. It seemed like you two got along just fine." She grinned up to him as she pushed off the railing just to see him roll his eyes.

"Don't forget about your training tonight." Auroras eyes widened. "Are you sure you want to tonight? I fully understand if not, you must be exhausted-" She started rambling but he cut her off. "I'll be fine, I barely even tried. He was no match." He leaned against the railing having an arrogant smirk on his face. "Sure that's why you laid on the ground for like half an hour." As she saw his smirk drop she giggled before walking to her room.

The training went well until Zuko wanted to start fighting. "Come on attack me." He said starting to get annoyed. "Fine!" Aurora answered equally annoyed. She tried to tackle him down but he moved to the side letting her fall to the ground. "See! That's unfair!" She sat up blowing the hair out of her face. "It is not 'unfair', you think if you fight someone they'll care if you fall to the ground?"

"No, but how am I supposed to learn it if you don't tell me how?" She was losing her confident. Using the sword was rather easy, she learned that quickly. But to fight was a different chapter. Zuko held out his hand and helped her up. "You need to find a way to use your body to push the other person down." He held her waist while looking down at her.

"Sounds easy for you to say, you're tall." Aurora had a small frown on her face. "The best fighters normally are smaller, they can move better." As Aurora thought about what he said she nodded. "Okay." Zuko whispered stepping back giving her enough time to get ready.

Aurora thought about her methods for a second and took a deep breath, she tackled Zuko again, but this time she tried using her body strength like he said and as he tried to dodge her, she made him trip over her leg. She didn't plan it well enough, so she fell too, landing right on his stomach. "I did it! Ha!" She grinned down at Zuko only to find him smirking up at her. "Wha-" She cried out as Zuko turned them both around. Him now hovering over her.

"Never think a fight is over, just because you brought someone to the ground." Auroras cheeks turned a dark shade of red as she realized how close they were. The prince got up helping her up. "But for the start, you were doing quiet well. Just maybe don't sit on someones stomach, if they want to kill you and you'll be good." Zukos smirk still not leaving his face making Aurora hide her face behind her hair out of embarrassment. "I apologize..."

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