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As they both sat there like this, her being pinned down by him. Aurora couldn't hide the butterflies flying in her stomach, making her feel all warm and fuzzy. He still held a smirk even minutes after he had already pinned her down. It was nice, both of them enjoyed it as much as it was possible.

„That was quiet unfair, you know? The young girl finally stated having a small pout on her face as she looked up to him, with the most innocent look in her eyes. His breath hitched slightly, she was so incredibly beautiful. „You have to use every option, you have, while fighting." he shrugged before laying down next to her. „You did very well today, Aurora."

From the corner of his eye he caught the young girl smiling slightly. „Thank you..." Her voice was quiet as she looked at the sky. "I remember when we would always watch the start with your mom..." Zuko studied her features, noticing how her eyes held a spark. A spark that reminded him of everything good in the world.

"Yeah... my mother adored you. She thought you'd had a good influence on me." A small chuckle escaped him as he turned back to the sky. "I really enjoyed spending time with her, she always made me feel like an equal, even thought my family is so much lower than yours..." He could feel her tense up a tiny bit and looked over to her with worry in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" His voice was sincere. He did worry about her, even if he hated to admit it. "I just don't like talking about my family, that's all." She gave him a weak smile and got up. "Your mother would be extremely proud of you today, Zuko." That snapped something in him.

His mind went foggy as he grabbed her wrist tightly. "You are not in the position to say something like that." Aurora flinched and looked down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overstep a line, my prince..." Zuko looked at her with an angry glare. "No, you don't feel sorry. Some stupid fucked up part of that mind of yours, still thinks that we're going to be some kind of friends." 

He saw the corner of her mouth go downward, as she tried not to cry in front of him. "I pity you, honestly, I pity you. You're so fucking pathetic, you think that we could be friends, or that I care about you. I got news for you. I don't fucking care about you, so stop acting like I will some day. Fucking grow up!" Aurora flinched one last time before looking up to him , tears in her eyes as she bit her lip. "I know that you're going to be able to catch the avatar, I believe in you. I will always believe and trust in you, Zuko." 

"God just shut up, I don't need your trust!" With one last look he turned away from her, walking to his room. After some time Aurora calmed down. This was it. He wanted her to leave, she never wanted to leave him, but he left her no choice. If he would just simply ask her if she could stay, she would. But now she needed to do this for herself. She wasn't pathetic, neither did she want his pity. 

Walking to her room Aurora looked around. Maybe she would miss this, maybe she would miss the seasickness, but she'd be free. Sitting down by her desk she decided to write a note, mostly dedicated to Iroh, but leaving a few words for Zuko won't hurt. As she finished the letter, she let one tear escape her eye. 

This was it. This was the moment in which she was finally free. Looking at her sword she realized, it was hers. This was hers, Zuko gave it to her as a present. Picking it and a small bag up she finally walked to her door. A small smile was on her face. 

Looking down the hall she realized that one look into the room down the hallway, won't hurt. Her feet carried her towards his room. Her fingers slightly trembling as she pushed the door open. She thought that maybe, and that's a very small maybe, he'd be awake and stop her.... But he wasn't. He was laying on his bed, sleeping deeply. A small smile grazing his features and the thing that made her almost drop everything and stay, was the small book placed on his chest, still having it in his hands. 

Aurora couldn't stay, if she did, she would break. She couldn't let herself break, she needs to be strong, until Zuko can finally clear his mind and realized what and who he needs. Of course, it wasn't nice to be hated by him, but she would be here whenever he needed her. 

With that her feet carried her as quickly as she could away from this room, away from this ship and most importantly for now, away from the boy. The boy that without her knowing, had her heart and held it in the palm of his hand, burning it occasionally. 

Burning Pile (Prince Zuko Book 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat