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A scream ripped Aurora out of her deep slumber. "No... father I'm sorry!" Zuko. Her small frame quickly got out of bed still wearing a shirt which is way too big on her as her feet carried her to the princes room. A quiet gasp escaped her.

Sweat dripping down his forehead, his hair sticking to it, as he trashed around under his sheets. His fists clenched in fear and his face showing so much pain. "Prince Zuko...?" Her voice was quiet, his screams echoed through her head. He opened his right hand and fire broke out of it. Out of fear she took a step back.

She couldn't leave him like this. She collected all her confident and kneed down next to his muscular frame. If this wasn't such a frightening situation for her then maybe she would've blushed. Her shaky hand closed his open one. "Prince Zuko you're only dreaming..." Her other hand found his cheek as he opened his eyes.

His eyes looked around the room in fear, not noticing her yet. Her eyes found his and she released a breath she didn't know she was holding. He was okay. Zuko leaned into her touch which caused her to blush, hiding her face in her own hair. "Thank you..." His voice was soft as he sat up.

Zuko pushed the hair away from her face placing his hand underneath the scar, his thumb softly caressing it. Aurora blushed a deeper shade of red which caused Zuko to smile the littlest smile, but she still caught it. "I didn't mean to just barge into your room, but I heard you-" She started rambling but Zuko interrupted her.

"Don't. I don't need your pity nor your kindness." He pulled his hand away and looked away. "I deserve to have these nightmares." Aurora kisses his knuckles on the hand she was holding. "You don't, prince Zuko, but I decided to forgive you, to stand by your side until you realize what your true destiny is. Your uncle and I care deeply about you, you might think it's annoying and push us away, but we only want what's best for you."

She got up feeling his eyes on her back. "It's better to care for someone, who doesn't see it, than to not care for someone and their soul to darken." A smile was on her face. "You've spent way too much time with Uncle, you're starting to sound like him..." Zukos voice had a teasing tone to it, which made her smile even brighter as she turned around leaning against the door. "Well he is quiet wise. Good night, Prince Zuko." Aurora said bowing down slightly.

"Good Night, Aurora." Zuko said giving her a nod, which made her stomach erupt in butterflies as she walked back to her room.

After that Aurora sat up all night. The past days he started acting different, he treated her differently. As Aurora thought back to how gentle his hand rested on her waist, as he smirked down at her. "One last chance..." She whispered quietly as she got up fixing her hair and putting on a long sleeve, before heading out to the deck.

"Good morning, Miss Aurora." Iroh looked at her happily. "What is it with people your age to never sleep lately..." He whispered to himself as he turned his head back to the water. "Good morning, Iroh." She smiled softly before turning to see Zuko standing all alone on the other side.

Joining him quietly she took a look at him, he looked like he didn't sleep in days. "Good morning, Prince Zuko." Her voice was soft, as not to startle him. He gave her a quick look before looking back at the water. "Good morning, Aurora." A lack of emotion was in his voice. "It's quiet cold today, hm?" She leaned against the railing looking at him.

"Guess so, I'm never really cold." The prince turned to look at her seeing her shiver slightly. "Oh, right... Firebender." Aurora felt slightly stupid giving him a slight smile, seeing him smirk slightly. "It has its perks." He shrugged. "Must be nice to always be warm." She mumbled hugging herself even tighter.

As the prince watched her, his heart felt warmer, his whole body felt warmer, as if it was on fire. His eyes wandered from her eyes, that held a small sparkle to her lips, those fucking lips. Zuko watched her lips part, making his mind foggy. "I think i will go back to my room it will be-" Being pulled closer by the prince, Aurora blushed slightly. His arm resting on her waist.

A slight smirk was on Zukos face as he watched her reaction to his touch, liking it more then he thought he would.

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