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Breakfast was wonderful in Romania. Not only because of the food, but also because she was surrounded by wonderful people. Charlie and his friends, Robert, Crystal, and Vincent were all so kind.

They were lovely to be around. Robert was a half-blood Ravenclaw, he was much older than Charlie was. Around 10 years apart, but he had a young spirit, much like the Weasley twins. He was adventurous, which is one of the reasons why he chose to be a dragon-keeper slash tamer. He had knowledge of dragons, knowledge most people in the Sanctuary don't even know about. He taught Lilith so much about dragons, things she barely even knew about.

Crystal, like Robert, was a Ravenclaw. She's the sweetest person Lilith knew, and she knew a lot (considering almost everyone was so sweet to her), but unlike Robert, she was the complete opposite of him. She was only a year older than Charlie, but she had an old soul. She pesters everyone in the Sanctuary like a mother hen, and she does the same to the baby dragons. She takes care of the youngsters and the eggs there in the Sanctuary. A mother hen.

Vincent, unlike the three other dragon-keepers Lilith was close with, did not attend Hogwarts. He attended Durmstrang and he told them all about his old school. He entertained them with stories that left them gaping in disbelief, stories than made them let out a loud belly laugh, stories that made you feel comfortable. He was an amazing person, Lilith liked him. He takes good care of the dragons, his role was to train them and feed them. He had a bond with most of the dragons there, much like a dolphin and their trainer.

Lastly, of course, there was Charlie. What was there not to like about him? He was humble, friendly, modest, sweet, caring, and an amazing person in general. Lilith finally came to the conclusion that the Weasleys must be the sweetest family there is. Percy, though Lilith did not interact much with, seemed calculative, reserved, but she was sure he's a sweet person behind his cold exterior. There was Ron, who's a bit of a dunderhead but he's genuine and caring nonetheless..

Then there were the twins, two of the most amazing people Lilith ever knew. They were the sweetest with her, she didn't even have to explain. From what Ron and Harry told her after Christmas, she could see that Mrs. Weasley must have been the sweetest of them all. That was enough to convince her that the whole family was an amazing bunch. She couldn't wait to meet them.

Charlie, though much older than her, understood her perfectly. They get along well and they had so many similar interests. Lilith could relate to his love of magical creatures, she was much like him. She was also the closest to Charlie there in the Sanctuary. He taught her how to ride a dragon, he taught her how to feed one, how to identify what they were feeling, and eeverything else there is to know about. She owed so much to him.

"Do you reckon the twins could visit the sanctuary one day?" Lilith asked the Weasley, the question came to mind to the last conversation they had.

"Oh, Mum would never let that happen." Charlie laughed, "But I can see them sneaking out and coming here, honestly." 

"That's so much like them!" Lilith giggled, "You've been hanging around my brothers, haven't you?" The red-head asked.

"Mhm.. They're honestly the sweetest, they're funny and kind, they're wonderful!" Lilith explained with hand gestures.

"That's the Weasleys for you."


Midnight was furious. Absolutely furious. He was territorial of his human, the other dragons knew that. But one of them didn't seem to get the hint. Diaval, a Romanian Longhorn, decided he wanted to learn more about the small human in his sanctuary. 

The Romanian Longhorn was one of the larger dragons in existence. The breed inhabited the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. The Longhorn had dark green scales and two enormous glittering gold horns on its head. Those horns were highly prized ingredients for certain potions. Due to the demand for their horns, the Romanian Longhorn was endangered so its territory was turned into a dragon reservation.

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