Chapter 14🥀

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"Are you okay?" He murmured.


A flood of hot tears gushed down Gulf's cheeks as he bit his lower lips to control his sobs.
"I'm okay you idiot. You are the one who got shot!"

A sound escaped Mew's lips which was probably his attempt to laugh but appeared more like he winced in pain before closing eyes.

Gulf panicked. "Mew, the ambulance is going to be here any moment okay?
You can't fall asleep, you hear me? You have to stay awake, okay?Promise me, please promise me,"

There was no response from Mew and Gulf felt like the whole world is crumbling apart around him. He glanced at the gruesome amount of blood that stained Mew's clothing, to the amount that was absorbed by the compress fabric, to the clotted blood that was caught between his fingers. Helplessness was a handicap. There came a point where he just couldn't stand by and watch anymore.

The wait for the ambulance was unbearable, excruciatingly slow. When it finally did arrive there was a flurry of motion, instructions, and the determination that rides on the shoulders of EMTs and paramedics.

They carefully picked up Mew and put him on a stretcher, a stretcher that was quickly changing its color to red.

Gulf sat next to Mew, holding his hand throughout the ambulance ride.
He knew very well that the ambulance ride was going to be horrible and that it also might be
Mew Suppasit's last ever car ride.


The blare of ambulance sirens were heard approaching

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The blare of ambulance sirens were heard approaching. Mew felt like he was being lifted. It was ok to relax now and he could let the exhaustion take over. He allowed his eyes to fall to a close, but only to be jolted awake by Gulf.

"No you don't." Gulf said firmly. "You have to stay awake."

Mew mumbled incoherently in objection. All he wanted to do was rest and Gulf was cruelly depriving him of that. He tried to obey  Gulf's orders, he really did. But a stronger force was pulling him under and he didn't want to fight it any longer.
The blood loss took its toll, rendering him weak and lightheaded. He knew they were on the way to the nearby hospital, but maybe they won't make it in time to save him. His mind grew heavy and started to drift. It was difficult to maintain focus on the present time.

Mew was eerily aware of his chances. If he gave in to the darkness, it was highly unlikely that he was going to come out of it.

He'd DIE.

Maybe dying wasn't such a bad idea. At least the pain would be gone and maybe he'll be headed to a better place. But when Mew's gaze fell onto the worry lines etched on Gulf's tear smeared face, Mew changed his mind. Even though his vision was blurry, he could still clearly see the other man in as much pain as Mew, maybe not physically but emotionally.

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