Chapter 10🥀

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"Gulf!" she said suddenly, a smile lighting up her face. "Your name is Gulf."

"Are you testing your memory skills on me?" he asked, because although she looked familiar, he couldn't recall her name. Or if he really ever met her.

She laughed, throwing her head back.
"I have a big brain in a big head." she told him, tossing a wink in his direction. "Fancy seeing you here."

"I'd say same, but I'm not exactly happy with being here."


"Also I have no idea who you are, so excuse me." he shrugged his shoulders, muttering a thank you to the bartender that took forever to bring his drinks.

"OMG. You forgot?
I'm Raven. I'm your wedding planner's bestie, we've met in his office."

"Oh, of course. Mew spoke a great deal about about you when we went out for lunch."

"So you guys went out for lunch huh?"
Gulf bit his tongue as Raven wiggled her eyebrows with a smug expression that made Gulf believe that she knew something.

" after work" Gulf replied as casually as he could.

"Are you alone here tonight, Gulf?" Raven shot another question,  sipping from a glass of clear liquid. He was sure it was vodka.

"I'm actually with my fiancée. I should get back to her, she's probably thinking why it takes me so long."

"Mind If we join?"

"We?" Gulf asked clearly confused who else she was referring to.

"Ofcourse Mew and me! I have texted him that I have a SURPRISE for him" She winked at Gulf mischievously.

"It's time to get this party started!" she jumped off of her chair abruptly.
"Buddy, why don't you fill this
up to the brim, hmm?" she called for the bartender, smiling sweetly at him when he did just that.

Turning to Gulf she asked boldly: "Are we going to bother you? It's more fun when a group of people has fun together."

Gulf wanted to say no, badly, but just the thought of seeing Mew again so soon and spend some time in his company made him shook his head.

Raven beamed and Gulf couldn't help but think she was so different from Mew. She was bold and full of life and fun in comparasion with Mew's calm and composed persona.

They made their way back to where Pam was.

She was still where he left her, still talking to Kaownah.
"I was beginning to think that you ditched me." she teased, accepting the glass of champagne.

"I brought company." he told her, nodding his head to Raven
"This is Raven, Mew's Bestfriend and business partner. This is Pam, my fiancee."

"Pleased to meet such a gorgeous woman like you" Raven said, placing a small kiss on Pam's knuckles.

Pam flushed at the sudden sweet gesture and compliment.

"How nice of you to say that.  Your friend is amazing. He's been such a huge help. Mr. Kittipat  told me that he's around here as well?"

"Should be." Kaownah groaned. "He disappeared? God, please don't tell me that he's off getting drunk somewhere or worse getting a blowjob in the washroom"

Raven smirked and turned to Kaownah.
"I bet you twenty dollars that Mew lost his suit jacket and his bow-tie somewhere along the way."

"Rave, are you having dirty thoughts about my cousin?"

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