What are you hiding, Xander?

"Maddy!" I flinch slightly at the sound of my name, taking me out of my thoughts. I turn around to see Rhys walking up to me. He furrows his blonde brows. "Did I scare you?" He points from him to me while saying this as he catches up to me. I roll my eyes and flip hair back out of my face. "No. You just caught me at a bad time," I retort. "Oh," is all he says. We walk, but he doesn't say anything. I'm not super close with Rhys, but we get along. . . alright. I like calling his Rhysie, a nickname he used to hate, but has gotten used to it already. Xander tells me it's ugly. Who cares what he thinks, I like it.

I look at him confused. He looks up from his feet at me when he feels me staring. His eyebrows raise slightly and his mouth gapes. "Oh, yeah! I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but do you think you can give me a ride home? I came with Xander, but he's not out for another hour and I don't feel like waiting around," he tells me. I nod, not really minding. It's only a five-minute drive from campus since they live in the townhouses specifically built for college students. "Yeah, sure," I say.

Luckily, I carry my keys in my purse so I don't have to go back to the dorm to get them. He smiles at me and we walk towards where my dorm hall is. My cars parked there. I unlock it and we both get in quickly. I turn to get a good look at Rhys as I pull out at the same time. He wears a t-shirt and black jeans, but he looks. . . fitter. "Nice arms, gymming?" I ask. I pull out of the parking lot successfully and start driving off. I see him smile from my peripheral vision. "Can you actually notice?" he says, studying his arms now. Rhys has always been fit, but yeah, his arms look a little bigger now.

I'm definitely not checking him out right now. I can compliment his growth though. As I said, we're not that close but I like to think we're friends at this point. "Yeah, nice job," I smile at him. He doesn't say anything else but keeps smiling. I stopped going to the gym after I started working so skinny, not muscly Maddy, sticks. Maybe one day, I'll actually stick with my gym New Years resolutions.

"Uh, Xander texted you," Rhys suddenly says, filling in the quiet. I snap my head to look at him, my shoulders tensing quickly. He looks at me and then at the screen on my car. I look at my dashboard. Oh my fucking gosh, I have CarPlay. I clench my jaw slightly at my stupidity. "It, uh, said Xander," he adds. I don't falter. "Yeah. He owes me 20 dollars. We made a bet the other day when we went out with Cgc and Max," I say confidently. That last part is the only true thing about my coverup. We went out with Cgc and Max a couple of days ago.

No one finds that weird since Max is my best friend and Cgc and Xander have been hanging out a little more than before. "That better be him apple paying me," I say through clenched teeth. He laughs a little. "What did you guys bet on?" he asks. I come up with a believable quick lie. "Who was going to ditch us for a lay first, Max or Cgc. I said Max, he said Cgc. I won, obviously," I smile, a fake one. "Why would he vote Cgc over Max? What an idiot," Rhys shakes his head. I couldn't tell you who is a bigger manwhore when it comes to Max and Cgc. I think they're on the same level.

I'll never tell Cgc this to his face, but Max has more game than him. So obviously, Max left first. I'm guessing Rhys knows this too since he agreed with me. They're best friends so he knows him better than I do.

"I know right? Easiest $20 I've ever won," I chuckle, pulling into Rhys' neighborhood. "Hey, by the way. You don't hate us right? Me, Valdez, and Xander?" he asks. I pull up to his townhouse and park my car. I furrow my brows and look at him. "No. Well, Xander the exception, obviously. Why do you ask?" I wonder. He shrugs his broad shoulders, running a hand through his long, blonde hair. "You just don't hang out with us that much anymore. I know you're busy and all that, but don't think we don't miss you or anything. I know you have a soft spot for Cgc because you guys fucked or whatever, but we want to hang out with you too," he tells me.

I shake my head and let out a chuckle. "First of all, please never say that about me and Cgc ever again. Two, you're right I've been busy, and even when I'm not we don't hang out as much. We'll change that this weekend." I wink at him and push his arm lightly. I've been dedicating my time to Cgc, Max, Peyton, Nat, and Xander. I do actually miss Rhysie and Valdez. We haven't all gone out in a while. Not since spending a whole week together in Los Angeles during spring break.

I could never hate them either, I hope he knows that.

"Don't break that promise," he points a finger at me and opens the car door "I'm gonna text you to remind you." I chuckle as he starts to get out of the car. "Go ahead and do that Rhysie," I tell him. We both say our goodbyes and I pull out of the driveway. I let out a breath I didn't realize that I had been holding in. I can't believe Rhys saw Xander text me. I pick up my phone, driving slowly out of the neighborhood.

Xander: wyd?

Seriously? That's what almost got us caught?

Me: wyd?

I text him back his question, not expecting a quick reply, but I do end up getting one.

Xander: study group. u?

I roll my eyes. I forgot he stays after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for that. Those are his busiest days, ones we don't usually see other sines I work and he has his own busy days.

Maddy: call me really quick.

I drive back onto the main road and set my phone down. I told him to call me since I can't be texting him back when I'm driving. My phone starts to ring a couple of seconds later and I press answer on my dashboard. "Yes?" His voice fills my car as I drive back to campus. "I hate you," I say quickly after. "Uhhh, okay? Anything new?" he retorts. I clench my jaw and grip a bit tighter onto the steering wheel. "I was giving Rhysie a ride home when you texted me, dumbass. My CarPlay is on so he saw that you freaking texted me," I explain to him.

The line is silent for plenty of seconds. Yeah, exactly. "What did you say?" he finally says, no emotion in his voice. "I made up some stupid lie about how we made a bet on Saturday and how you owe me $20. It looked like he bought it, so I saved our asses," I retort. He laughs through the line. This isn't funny. "Why you stressed then?" he asks. My eyes almost bulldoze out of my head. Sometimes I question why I think he's smart.

"Because what if I wasn't me? What if I wasn't as smart and confident and ended up blurting out that we're sleeping together?" I ask seriously. He's quiet again which irks me. "Well then, I guess we're lucky you're you, Madison." I can feel him smirking on the other side of the line. I roll my eyes and sigh. "This isn't funny," I say. "I'm not laughing," he quickly replies. I don't say anything for a couple of seconds. "Whatever, I have to go. I'll get busy, so don't call or text," I say and hang up on him before he can reply. I have a habit of doing that to everyone.

A couple of seconds after, I see a text from him pop up on the dashboard. I press on it before it disappears and our thread of messages appears.

Xander: imagine if he would've actually caught us tho. you're so dramatic, madison hayes.

I roll my eyes, again. Ass.

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