Chapter 19

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Ally's POV

I yawned as I opened my eyes to see Austin sitting in the corner of the room, but he wasn't alone. He was holding a tiny bundle of pink. I smile. My little Kinsley. She was born at 11:32 P.M. A little later than the doctor had expected. She weighed 7 lbs. and 8 oz. Her delivery was the most difficult thing I have ever done, and without the good Lord's help, and Austin, I wouldn't have been able to bring her into this world.

I glance over at my phone on the table beside the bed. 10:01. I had fallen asleep about an hour after she was born; I was so exhausted. Everyone instantly fell in love with Kinsley and didn't seem to want to leave, but Austin insisted that I needed to get some sleep, and I really did. So after everybody left, I took a much needed rest. I was still tired, but I felt better than I did last night.

Austin glances up and sees that I'm awake. "Hey sweetie." he quietly says as he walks over to the hospital's bassinet. Austin gently lays Kinsley down and then walks over to me. He leans down and gives me a peck. "Sit by me." I say. He slides beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "You feeling better Alls?" "Yea, I'm just tired." I tell him, laying my head on his shoulder. "She's so precious Ally!" I glance up to see him smiling, but then I notice the dark circles around his eyes. "Have you gotten any sleep Austin?" "An hour or two early this morning." I frown at him. "You need to rest honey." "I know. I just wanted to hold her, and before I knew it, the sun was rising." I snuggle up to my husband. "Has the nurse come in any today?" "Yea, about two hours ago. She checked on Kins and gave her a bottle, since you were asleep. She said she was coming in again around 10:30 and was going to try to get you to feed Kinsley." "Okay, I need to learn how to do that sooner or later." I say. We sit there in a comfortable silence until Austin's says, "Do you wanna hold her Alls?" "I'd love to, but I don't want to wake her up." I say. Austin chuckles, "Don't worry. She's a heavy sleeper; trust me." He gets up and walks over to Kins. As soon as Austin picks her up, his face brightens. I cradle my arms, and he walks over to me and rests her in them. Austin sits back down beside me and we adore our little girl together. "She has your nose Ally." he tells me. I brush my hand across her soft face and notice a few soft, golden locks on top of her head. "But look honey, she has your hair." He smiles when I say this. "How did we create such a beautiful little human being?" he asks in awe. "We're definitely blessed." I tell him. Austin begins to move a little and I look over at him, "What're you doing?" I ask him. "...trying to get phone." he pulls his phone out of his back pocket. "I want to take our first family picture." he says. Austin opens the front facing camera and holds his phone out. I hold sleeping Kinsley up a bit and smile. SNAP. He brings his phone down in front of us and I look at my new favorite picture. "Aww Austy, I love it. Send it to me!" I see his fingers begin to work, and within a few seconds my phone buzzes and Austin has a new lock screen and wallpaper.

Austin's POV

I yawn after I send Ally our picture. She catches it and looks at me questionably. "I think I'll go and try to take a nap." I tell her. "Okay sweetie, do you want to stay up here?" she says. "No, I think I'll go sit in the chair and give you and Kins some room. The nurse will be coming in in a few minutes anyway." "Alright baby, me and Kins will be right here." I give Ally a peck on the cheek and then lean down and gently kiss Kinsley on her forehead. I walk over to the corner of the room and curl up in the recliner chair. My eyes grow heavy, and the last thing I hear is Ally softly humming 'You Can Come To Me.'

"Wake up. Wake up Daddy!" I feel somebody softly poking my arm. I open my eyes to see Trish holding Kinsley in front of me. I stretch my arms and reach up for my baby girl. "Here's Daddy." she says as she leans down and hands me Kinsley. I look and see that her eyes are wide open and she's watching her surroundings. I smile and look back up at Trish, "Where's Ally?" I ask. "She's in the bathroom right now. The doctor wants to make sure she can go on her own again before y'all leave." "So have they been discharged?" "Yep. I've already helped Ally get dressed and I brought Kinsley's bag and carrier up." I look by the door and see that everything is packed and ready to go. "Thanks so much Trish." "No problem, if there's anything else y'all need just ask."

I stand up with Kinsley and walk over to put her in her carrier. "I'm going to have to be heading back to work, Jace just called a couple of minutes ago and told me he needs my help in the studio." "Okay. We'll see you later." "Alright. You and Ally take good care of that precious baby of yours."  "We certainly will." I say as Trish waves goodbye and heads off to the studio.

"Okay Kins. Let's get you strapped down in your carrier." I pick her carrier up and set it on the bed. I place her down inside and look at the straps that I've got to figure out how to work. I'm about to start to try to strap her in when I feel Ally's hands cover mine. "I'll get it, Daddy." she tells me. I grin when she calls me that, Daddy. As she straps our daughter in, I ask her, "So how long have I been asleep?" "Oh, about three hours." she says, "And within three hours I have successfully fed Kinsley and changed two diapers, which you will be learning how to do." She winks at me. "Can't wait!" I say, laughing. "Ready to go home Kinsley?" Ally says. She leans down and gives her a kiss. She's about to reach for the handle when I stop her, "Oh no. I'll get her, and her bag. You just take it easy for the next couple of days, Mommy." Ally giggles at the sound of her new name. I pick Kins and her bag up, and hold Ally's hand with my free one.

From now on things are going to be totally different, but I have a feeling that Mommy and Daddy are going to love it.

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