Chapter 3

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Ally's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugghhhh. I grabbed my phone and cut my alarm off. 7:00 A.M. It was way too early, but today was going to be a special day. I began to turn over to wake Austin when the nausea hit me again. I sprinted to the bathroom.

Austin's POV

I woke up and reached for Ally beside me; she wasn't there. I turned over and see the bathroom light on. Ally must be sick again, poor sweet heart. I jumped out of bed and dashed into the bathroom. I go through the door and see Ally on the floor in front of the toilet. I go sit beside her and rub her back. A couple moments later she looks up at me. I get up and help her stand. I walk her over to the sink so she can brush her teeth. I kiss the top of her head as I wrap my arms around her, "Morning beautiful." When she finishes brushing her teeth, she turns around in my arms. "Good morning Austin." she says giving me a minty kiss. "I can't believe it Alls." "I know. Dez is getting married today." "It seems just like yesterday, he was Dr. Cupid in search for a girl. Now him and Carrie are getting married." I'm still hugging Ally when my stomach growls. She giggles and starts poking my stomach, "Sounds like someone's hungry." "Mhhmmm, want some breakfast?" "Race ya to the kitchen!" Ally takes off in front of me. "Oh no you don't!" I catch up with Ally, pick her up, and put her over my shoulder. I walk down the stairs, Ally laughing the whole way.

It was only 8:30, so after breakfast me and Ally decided to relax a little before getting dressed. We went into the living room and I sat down on the couch. I flicked on the TV as Ally sat down on the other end and laid her feet in my lap. I began to rub her feet as I watched the news. Nothing interesting was happening today so I looked over at Ally. "What's our baby doing this week Ally-gator?" "Let me check my app." Ally pulls out her phone, and a couple seconds later she replies, "Well since I'm 13 weeks along, that means I'm in my second trimester. This is what the app says about our baby, ' Your baby's organs are done forming, and his or her eyes are moving toward the center of their face instead of the side. They can even suck her thumb now.' Awww, Austin. Our baby can suck their thumb!" I smile thinking about our little one. Ally reaches down and rubs her little bump. How could she be any more adorable? "I hope our baby is as gorgeous as you Alls." Ally moves over on the couch and snuggles up against me. "I'm so glad God led me to you Austin. You're so amazing to me!" I smile, "Ally, that's exactly how I feel. God made you just for me. There's no one else I was meant to be with." I kiss her cheek. Ally lays her head on my chest, and I smile knowing that I'm holding both Ally and our baby in my arms.

Ally's POV

Me and Austin had been snuggled on the couch for a while, just talking about the future, when my phone buzzed. It was nothing but a random text from Mom, but the time caught my eye. It was already 10:00. We had to leave at 12:00 because the wedding was at 3:00. Ugghh. I love Dez, and can't wait to go to his wedding, but I wish I didn't have to leave Austin's arms. "Austin, we've gotta get ready. Its already 10:00." "10:00, already? Time flies when I'm with you." "Austin, you don't have to try anymore, you've already got me, I'm stuck." I say giggling. 'Hey, its not trying when its true." Austin says winking. I grab his hand and get up off the couch with him. We walk upstairs into our room and start getting ready for Dez's wedding.

About an hour later, I'm sitting in front of my mirror, already in my dress and curling my hair. I'm almost done but there's one strand I can't reach in the back. I don't want to stretch because I think I might somehow hurt the baby. I decide to call Austin to help, "Baby, could you come here for a minute?" Austin walks into our room from the bathroom. He looks frustrated and his tie is in a knot. "What happened?" I can't tie this darn tie." He says. "I'll make a deal with you. If you'll curl this piece of hair for me, I'll tie your tie for you." "Deal." Austin says smiling.

Austin's POV

Ally hands me the curling wand and I wrap her hair around it. "So why couldn't you get this strand? You've curled all the others." "Well, ummm... " she says looking away from me in the mirror. I smile realizing why she didn't want to curl it. "You thought you would hurt the baby, don't you Alls?" I hear a quiet murmur come from Ally, "Yes..." I smiled. She wants to keep our baby safe. I uncurl her hair from the wand and set it on the dresser. I turn Ally around in her chair to face me. I grab her hands and kneel down to her eye level, "Ally Moon. There is nothing wrong with you wanting to make sure our baby's safe. I want you to be safe. I don't want anything to ever happen to you or our little one." I lean over and kiss Ally's bump. I don't know what I would do without them. Ally smiles, "Thanks for understanding Austin." She wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a kiss. "How about I help you with your tie now?" Ally says giggling. "Thank you Alls." I say as she stands up and fixes my tie.

Almost an hour later, we were out the door and headed to my best friend's wedding.

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