Chapter 14

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One Month Later

Ally's POV
"Okay Mr. and Mrs. Moon, are you ready to find out the gender of your baby today?" the doctor asked as she entered our clinic room. I looked over at Austin and smiled. "We sure are." I say looking back towards the monitor. "Since the nurse has already prepared you, just lay back and we'll get started." she said while entering my information into the computer. Austin placed a hand behind my back as he helped me lay down on the table. After a couple of moments she pulled out the wand, and began to maneuver it over my abdomen. "Austin, Allly, looks like you're having a baby boy! Congratulations!" We're going to have a son. I look over to see Austin who couldn't stop smiling. He grabbed my hand and and intertwined our fingers. "Would you like to hear his heartbeat?" the doctor asked us. "Yea." Austin said cheerfully. "Okay..." the doctor bent over to turn something on and then came back up. She placed the wand back over my abdomen and a strange look went across her face. She tried relocating the wand to a different area, but her face seemed to grow in worry. "Is something wrong?" I asked. The doctor took a few moments to collect her thoughts, then she looked over at me and Austin, "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Moon, but your baby doesn't have a heartbeat..." Our baby doesn't have a heartbeat. Tears began to come to my eyes.

I shot up in bed breathing hard. The back of my head was soaked from sweat. I begin to whimper thinking about my dream. Austin quickly sat up beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "Ally, what wrong!?" "The- the baby. He- he died." I begin to cry. Austin wrapped his arms around me, "Ally, it was just a dream baby. Shhh, its okay." I begin to settle in his arms. "Austin, it felt so real though. We were at the doctor's. We had just found out we were going to have a boy, but when they went to check his heart beat, he-he didn't have one." I cling to Austin, wanting to forget the memory. "Alls, I promise you nothing like that is going to happen today. The baby's going to be perfectly fine, I promise." he kisses the top of my head. "I hope so." I whisper

Austin's POV
I look over at the clock, 6:00am. "Come here Alls, I'm going to make you some hot chocolate. That'll make you feel better." I grab her hand and we walk down to the kitchen together. I sit her down at the island bar and I get the milk and cocoa mix out. A couple of minutes later, I sit a steaming mug of hot coco in front of her. "Wait, there's one more thing." I say. I turn round and grab the whipped cream out the refrigerator. I spray some on top of her beverage, "There ya go honey." I say, happy with my work of art. I put everything back where it belongs as Ally blows on her drink. I sit beside her as she takes her first sip. "Ah, thanks baby." "You"re absolutely welcome." I tell her smiling, "So, you think the baby's a boy Alls?" "Hmmm, maybe, maybe not" she says giggling. "Well, we'll know for certain today." I say thinking about the appointment we've got to go to. "Are you excited Austin?" she asks, looking over at me. "Yea, I'm excited, but I'm also a little nervous." I confess. "Me too Austin." Ally says. We sit in silence while she finishes her hot chocolate. When she's done, I take her mug and rinse it out in the sink. "Since we're up kind of early, want to watch a movie?" I ask her. "Sure! Can I choose?" she asks. "Of course." I tell her as we walk into the living room. I sit on the couch as she goes to select a movie. A couple of moments later I see her put one into the DVD player, and she comes and sits by me. I wrap a blanket around us as I hear the opening number start, "When it 's coming apart, you had it all." I smile. God's Not Dead. Our favorite.

Ally's POV
The movie was coming to an end because the Newsboys were performing 'God's Not Dead'. I was snuggled up with Austin under the blanket. I hadn't told Austin, but the baby was being very active today. The butterflies had been there almost since I had awoken from my nightmare a couple of hours ago. They would come and go, but they had never occurred this often. I looked down. I hope I didn't upset the baby this morning. The butterflies were taking a break at the moment, so I looked back at the TV, and that's when I felt it. It felt like a muscle spasm. I looked down. A couple of moments later, I felt it again, but this time I could distinctly tell the baby was elbowing me. My eyes widened. I looked over and whispered , "Austin?" He turned his head toward me. "The baby just elbowed me. Like I am certain I felt an elbow." He reached down and placed his hand on my bump, "So you're going to be a dancer little one?" I laughed at his comment. "If they keep up with all this movement, I think so." I said. "The baby's been moving around a lot?" he asked me. "They have today." 'Baby Moon is just excited that we find out if they are a boy or a girl today." he said smiling. "Speaking of, the appointment's in an hour. I think we should get ready." I say as I look at the TV. "I'll take the movie out and you can start getting ready." Austin said. He lifts the blanket off of us, and we begin to get ready for our anticipated day ahead.

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