Chapter 17

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38 Weeks Along

Austin's POV
It has been a month since we painted and decorated the nursery for our baby girl. She hasn't come yet, but she should be here within the next week or so, according to the doctor. My Ally-gator has been so uncomfortable lately. We had a scare last week. Ally was in pain and we were afraid she was going into labor, but it turned out just to be Braxton Hicks contractions. I've tried to help ease Ally's pain and discomfort as much as I could. Right now we're laying in bed, in the mid of day, watching Frozen. This is the only place she has seemed comfortable lately. "Austy?" I feel Ally look over at me. "Yea baby?" I ask. "Could you maybe get me something to drink?" I smile, she still sounds so insecure when she asks me for something. "Of course sweetie, I'll be right back." I pat her hand and head to the kitchen to get her a glass of tea, he favorite. When I get back to our room, I see Ally sniffle with a tear in her eye. I look at the TV to see that Anna had just sacrificed herself for Elsa. I shake my head, only Ally. I crawl back beside her and hand her her tea. "Thanks honey." she tells me. I sit back as she finishes watching the movie, knowing I need to talk to her about something, but it can wait until the movie's over.

Ally's POV
As Frozen ends with everyone skating, I look over at Austin, who is already looking at me, smiling. "What?" I ask, smiling back. "We need to seriously talk about something Alls." he says. "Okay..." "We haven't picked a name yet, and you're pretty close to your due date." "I know. I've been thinking about that." I tell him. "Well, where do you want to start?" he asks me. "Hmm, well you know I love the book of Esther." I say. "Mhm, what do you think about that name?" "I personally love it." I tell him. Austin's face is blank for a moment, and then he breaks into a wide grin, "Me too." "Yay! So is that going to be part of her name?" I ask him. "I'd love for it to be." Austin says. "Well, what are some important names that you like?" I ask him. He thinks for a minute and then looks at me, "I've always loved the name Kinsley." "Awwww, sweetie. That name's adorable!" "Okay, so is her name going to be Kinsley Esther, or Esther Kinsley?" I mumble to myself, "Kinsley Esther Moon...Esther Kinsley Moon... Kinsley Moon...Esther Moon..." Austin watches me as I contemplate the options. "I like Kinsley Esther better." "Kinsley Esther Moon, I love it Alls." Austin wraps me in a hug. Right before we pull away another sharp pain hits me. "Ow." I try to cry as quietly as possible, trying not to let Austin hear me. "Ally? Are you okay?" Too late, he heard me. "Yea, it was just another fake contraction. I'll be fine." "Are you sure? Do you need anything?" he asks me. "I'm kind of tired, could you hold me?" "Of course baby." he says. Austin holds me and I lay my head on his cool chest as I fall asleep.

Austin's POV
It was around 5 P.M. and Ally had been asleep ever since noon. I was walking around the house, bored. I slipped into Kinsley's nursery to make sure everything was okay. Kinsley.My heart smiled at her name. I sit down in the rocker in the corner of the room and pull out my phone. I open my Bible app and go to Esther, the book which Kinsley was named after. Time seemed to pass quickly when I got engrossed in reading Esther, before I knew it, I had reread the whole book. I recollected on what I had just read, and it inspired me. I looked under my bookmarks tab and began to scroll though my favorite verses. As soon as I found a few that I thought were suitable, I dashed to the garage and grabbed a couple of brushes and some paint. I couldn't wait to show Ally when I was finished.

Ally's POV
Ahhh! I woke up and sat up quickly. The pain was way more intense that time. Maybe it'll pass. I laid back down on my pillow and rested my hands on my belly. Just go back to sleep Ally. I closed my eyes, and laid there for a couple of minutes. Sleep wasn't coming back. I looked around and didn't see Austin. Hmm... I got up out of bed and went to look for him. I walked out of our room and heard humming. I followed his voice to the nursery. I walked in to see him laying a paint brush down and stepping back to look at the wall. I glanced to where he was also looking and I couldn't believe it! On every wall, Austin had painted a Bible verse. "Austin," I said softly, trying to not scare him, "it's beautiful." He turned around and smiled at me. "I was hoping you'd like it." "Like it? I love it!" I walk over to him and give him a hug. "Come here." he says as he grabs my hand, and we walk over to the rocker. He sits down and then pulls me into his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder, as he points to the far wall. "On the wall above her changing station I wrote Psalm 139:13, 'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.' Then on the wall that's right beside us I wrote Matthew 19:14, ' Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.' On this wall," he says pointing, "I wrote 1 Samuel 1:27, ' I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.'" I smile up at him. "And then above her crib, I wrote one of my absolute favorites, Proverbs 31:25 'She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." "Austin, thank you." I say kissing his cheek. He places his hand on my belly, "I want Kinsley to know she is loved by our King. I want her to know Him." I smile at Austin and recite, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." "Proverbs 22:6." Austins says as he begins to rock. "And that's exactly how we're going to raise her, and whoever else may come along." We sit in silence as Austin rocks me, and I slowly began drifting off back to sleep. I reach up to wrap an arm around Austin when the pain hits me again. "Ahh.." I grab the arm of the rocker as Austin abruptly stops rocking and leans up to look at me. "Ally do-" "Please don't move Aust..." I faintly whisper. The pain subsides right after and I look up at Austin. "Baby, I think Kinsley is ready." Austin is still shocked as to what just happened, but he quickly realizes. "Are you okay now?" he asks. "Yes, for now, but there's more to come." He nods his head as we stand up. "'So are you ready to go?" he asks me. "I guess I'm ready as I'll ever be." Austin holds my hand as we make our way out of the nursery and I try to brace myself for what's about to come.

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