"I'm sorry, babe"

"why?" I ask

"I haven't talked to you since the party, and how I acted at the party was not okay and I'm sorry," he says sincerely.

"It's okay Lukas, I'm not that mad about it anymore" I reply.

"Good, I'm glad," he says, he pulls me back onto my bed and motions for me to scooch in to cuddle. I scooch in and cuddle him. However, all I can think about is Dream and how I want to be in his arms right now. But instead, he's mad at me. I visibly frown at this thought and Lukas notices.

"What's the matter babe?" he questions for the 10th time today.

"Nothing, I just need to go to the bathroom. Be right back" I dash out the door in a split second, I run to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I lean back against it and slowly slide the door taking in my surroundings and finally having a moment to breathe.

I sigh heavily and take a moment for myself. My brain slowly starts to reason with itself about what the hell I'm going to do at this dinner now that I realized that I just liked Lukas for his attention and not his personality. He's not bad, I just have someone else in mind.

Plus, I can tell that he's noticed something is off I can see it in his face, and somehow that's made him more clingy.

Then, on top of that, I realized that I like Dream and he's mad at me because I've been ignoring him. There's also the fact that I kissed him in a closet while Lukas was passed out drunk.

He's also the person who's been putting little notes in my locker anonymously over the last 2 months. So, that means he knows that I'm ignoring him because I spewed the entirety of a person's life problems onto him. Therefore, that means he is mad at me for something else and he is not telling me.

My brain stops and just goes blank and stares at a wall once more trying to process what has happened. A few minutes go by and I hear knocking on the door.

"Mom, says it's time for dinner. Also, Johns here, I don't know what to think of him. Hurry up."Mya says.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute" I replied attempting to slow my thought.

And now I get to go meet my mom's boyfriend and she gets to meet my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.Great.

How did I get myself into this fucking mess?

I stand up and look at the door, I take one final deep breath before opening it and walking to my room to get Lukas. I get to the door and just as I am about to open it I hear angered mumbling from the other side. I began to listen in, what could he be mad about? He doesn't know that Dream and I kissed. Right?

"I swear to god if this mother fucker texts him again, I will send him straight to hell" he mumbled angrily.

What the fuck is he talking about and who.

I open the door without thinking.

"Who are you sending to hell," I ask with a smile trying to be jokey about it. His attitude changes in an instant.

"Oh, just something fucker who's been annoying me online no biggie," he says as if what I heard hadn't occurred. Then, I see that he was holding my phone, was he looking at my messages?

"Then, why are you holding my phone" I question.

"Oh, you got a notification and I checked it. It was just from a game. By the way, what is Kitty collector?" he says showing me my phone and the notification that popped up while I was in the bathroom.

"We don't talk about Bruno, okay, "I say simply say trying not to laugh. However, I couldn't help but notice that I had a few new notifications from Dream.

"Okay, fine. Let's go eat" he says.

"Yeah," I say quietly not fully paying attention to him and still thinking about Dream's new messages.

Was he reading them?

More importantly

Why would he be mad?


So, it's been a while

like a very long while.

 but I'm here now and I'm okay.

I just really want to finish the book and I've got plans :)

be ready

and have a good day/night

- Keeper

Word Count: 1283

Notes with a smile on it // dnfМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя