A Demon..

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Some notes before the story

I do not own demon slayer

The characters are not mine

The Images are not mine (Credits to owners)

This is an original story

(Updated chapter 6/22/23)


Narrators POV:

The wind was blowing. Snow was falling. It was a bad blizzard on the ordinary day. People couldn't even see 5 feet in front of them, so no one should've been outside. Except 1 boy. But not any ordinary boy.. a 18 year old boy named Tanjiro Kamado. He was kicked out from his warm home. He had tried his best to provide for his family, but in the end, couldn't bring back food for them. They weren't rich like lots of others, but instead so poor that they couldn't even provide enough food for 2 people. The boy's 'home' was so deserted, that he had to go too a nearby village to hopefully retrieve money for his family and get at least some food. He could've done this by selling charcoal, but no one bought a single one. Not a single penny was given. All because of him. People since childhood had called him many names, 'monster', 'inhuman', 'demon', or anything that seemed to dis-humanize him. This was because he didn't look like an ordinary being. His red eyes and huge scar on his forehead. The scar looked like flames bursting out of his scalp, so no one did think he was human. There were also rumours of demons all around Japan, so people did think they existed.

It was getting colder and colder by the minute. He was struggling to breathe every breath, but he saw something.. a figure?... a man.... he saw a man.. a tall slim man.. and he was walking towards him. Him. HIM. He wasn't hallucinating, he couldn't be. The man slowly walked to him, and even so he tried to speak but it was pointless. It was freezing and the cold sealed his mouth shut. The man opened his mouth. Then the said man spoke. "Boy, why are you out here in the freezing cold.. by yourself?" He was silent. He couldn't talk. But he still tried too. And after a few moments, he did. "I-I got kicked o-out." He was still cold, and couldn't help but stutter his words out.

Any other time one of his siblings failed to get money.. they didn't care.. they didn't even bat an eye.. but when he didn't.. it was so much worse... a punishment... a punishment because his family said it was "his fault"... his fault for being so useless. His family hated him. He could at least tell that. They even physically hit ... sometimes because of failure, but mostly because of his features. His features that were not normal, not human.

"And why is that?" The man spoke back.

"I was.. I.. I couldn't get enough money for.. for food..."

It was silent. "Hmm.." the man put his finger on his chin. But the boy noticed he had long.. sharp nails. He spoke again "What if I told you.. you could get revenge on your family for treating you this poorly? What if you could get back everyone who treated you miserably?"

The boy barley spoke, his lips shivered, he was looking straight at the ground when answering, "I w-wouldn't care"

"So if I did turn you into one of those beings.. demons they call them.. you would accept?"

The boy was confused at first. Why would I want to be one of those non-human creatures? But then he thought back. No one would care. No one would surely care when he left. They wouldn't even be suspicious about it, and just assume he died in the cold. Hypothermia at most. But he could also do the thing he desperately wanted. His revenge. His revenge on all those people that had de-humanized him in the past. Those people who didn't even care about his so-called feelings. So he wouldn't decline the offer. He had heard these so called "demons" were powerful, and could instantly kill any desired human. He smiled. And then he softly, just so slightly spoke, "Sure"

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