Pink (Namjoon)

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tw: blood


Jin's POV.

He sits down heavily in the chair , cosily dressed in his bathrobe. It was almost 1am and they just got home. Jin lets himself stare into the distance, enjoying the silence that just took over the kitchen now that all the members have gone out or left to sleep. The day had been hectic, starting from an early rehearsal that barely allowed them to grab lunch before stopping at their stylists' to get new haircuts, and a series of interviews for different magazines and brands. So Seokjin sits in silence, basking in the peace that is such a rare gift for busy idols like him.

The bath had been nice on his sore legs, and he had stayed in the water until his skin pruned. Now dressed up, fed and definitely exhausted, a wet-haired Jin is playing on his phone in the living room. He knows that he should probably try to catch some sleep while he can, but he's still buzzing with the day's energy. He's not the only one: the three youngest members have gone out to party, and he knows for a fact that Yoongi is staying up to work on a song in their room. He can see the light under the door of Hobi's room and the water running in the bathroom tells him that Namjoon is taking a shower.

The dorm is like a tiny New York really, where something is always happening -day and night. You never know what you'll stumble upon while walking around. Someone could be working on the song of the century while another member would be too busy pulling a childish prank on the others. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Living with six other men had proved to be a challenge the first few years, but now Jin found himself at home with them, and he owed them the happiest moments of his life. They had also gone through many hardships together, but the rocky ride that is the kpop industry is way easier to bear when you have brothers to lean on. They had grown through their lowest moments and had learned a lot about themselves in the process.

The roles that had been forced on them had reduced them to one facet of their personalities in public, but the dorm had become their safe space where they were allowed to be a complete version of themselves. The selflessness, the dreams, the immaturity, the struggles, the ugly... Seokjin had seen it all. If the members needed support, he always made sure to make himself as available as possible, because he knew that they had his back when his turn came to need reassurance or a shoulder to cry on. I'm so proud of us. A small fond smile makes its way up his face at the thought. It cracks into a laugh when he hears something shattering in the bathroom.

"Ya, Namjoon-ah! What have you done this time?" he shouts, getting up to check on him. "What did you break?" he asks only to be met with silence.

"Ah- oh, shit-"

"Joonie, open the door, will you?"

It takes a few seconds before the sound of the doorknob unlocking can be heard. Jin's eyebrows raise in suspicion at the situation. It's unlike Namjoon to hesitate when that happens. He's the god of destruction sure, but he always admits it quickly when he breaks something. The door is slowly opened by the rapper, leaving an anxious Seokjin staring at him. He can feel his eyes widen at the sight and his jaw would probably hit the floor if it could. He's about to ask what the hell happened when Namjoon speaks first.

"I- Please don't be mad, hyung-"

He doesn't even know what to say. There's broken pieces of glass all over the room, and he realises quickly that the mirror is missing on the wall to his left. How on earth- Concern washes over him immediately because Namjoon is standing in nothing but his underwear right in front of him and the blood on the floor tells him that his dongsaeng is hurt. His almost bare form doesn't matter at all and it's nothing that he hasn't seen before, so he scans the rapper's body for any sign of injuries. The younger one's bloodshot eyes meet his and his own brows furrow in confusion. Namjoon rarely cries, what's up?

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