Close Call (Hobi & Yoongi)

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tw & cw: blood, wounds, attempted assault


Yoongi's POV.

The rapper was excited for today's meet & greet. It had been a while since they'd gotten the chance to interact with Army like this, and the things the members did in front of the fans always made him laugh fondly. He was impatient to get the day started and had woken up first, as always, taking a shower while he could. Yoongi closed his eyes in delight when the hot water met the skin of his sore back and he let himself appreciate the feeling for a minute or two.

Standing still under the shower head, he found himself thinking back to uncertain times when meet & greet events would cause him great stress and guilt. They had been so desperate to grow a loyal fanbase and when they did get one he had personally felt like he didn't have enough to offer, like he was unworthy of such love and admiration. The feelings weren't that strange to present-day Yoongi but he liked to think that he grew up and learned to find his place in the marvellous phenomenon that was Bangtan Sonyeondan.

He was happy to conclude that he felt relaxed enough to enjoy today's schedule and simply look forward to it. A shy smile adorned his face. Seokjin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook... I don't know who I'd be without them. When Yoongi was satisfied with how long his conditioner sat in his hair, he promptly rinsed it off and got out to dry himself. The members would be hungry and his hyung was most likely up and getting breakfast ready, he had spent long enough in the bathroom.

Breakfast went by quickly, animated by lively conversations about the games and costumes that they might use later. They ended up getting in the van in record time, and Yoongi let himself be driven to the convention centre, where their staff and stylists were already waiting for them. He scrolled down on twitter aimlessly and saw a few posts from people who would be attending today. The vibe was really great this time around, and it seems like international Army were rooting for the local fans too and hyping them up. How wholesome. He looked up at the sound of laughing and saw Namjoon take a picture of Jungkook who had fallen back asleep, mouth agape and drooling down his chin. He called him cute. How wholesome, he repeated to himself.

Getting his makeup done was never something he was thrilled about because it made him sleepy, but today he felt pretty energised and found himself chatting with the noona who was in charge of his hair for the day. The foundation and eyeliner was kept to a minimum and a few curls were added to his dark bedhead, and then he was ready to get dressed. He heard his hyung scolding Taehyung for staying up all night playing games and his dongsaeng defending himself, saying that they had in fact played together. Jin laughed and ran away to the next dressing room. This hyung...

Hobi's POV.

The dancer came into the room as Seokjin ran past him, followed by a giggling Taehyung. He didn't even bother to ask, the scene was pretty typical of them. Hobi had just gotten dressed and he couldn't wait for the meet and greet to start. He could hear the fans talking a few doors down the corridor and he was thrilled about going back on stage after a while. Not knowing what to do with all his adrenaline, he dropped dramatically on top of Yoongi and lied down on the couch.

"This couch is so comfy!" he exclaimed innocently.

"How would you know Hobi, that's his thighs!" laughed Namjoon, from the hairstylist's chair. "You good under there, Suga-hyung?"

Hobi was met with a playful Yoongi who pretended to die under his weight before gently pushing him to the side, allowing him to sit next to him. He was beaming and the dancer felt happy to see him so cheerful. The members had worked hard to be where they were right now, and he wouldn't let anything take that away from them. Taehyung came running back in the room, out of breath and asking if they had seen the oldest. When he was told that they hadn't, he sprinted back out of the door, leaving confused but amused members behind. Jimin and Jungkook were play-boxing in a corner while Namjoon was trying to figure out how to open his water bottle without crushing it -typical bangtan day.

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