Under (Taehyung + OT7) p.2

954 28 2

cw: trauma response, death, vomit


Hobi's POV.

Hoseok really wishes he could burn the memory down to ashes to throw in the wind and forget about, but the scene is engraved in his brain and won't let him breathe. His mind is replaying over and over the heightened memory of Taehyung's limp body, dark locs of hair standing out against the blues and greens of the sea. He remembers being violently shaken to the core, sound and air leaving his body at once when he sees it -him. Then the slight delay while the horror settles in and before he knows it he's surrounded with hollowed souls crying out in pain at the universe. He can't distinguish their voices and he's not thinking too clearly. He knows that he sees Yoongi making a run for it but it's like he's watching the whole thing from above himself, mind and body worlds apart. He only registers that it's loud and it's horrifying and it's unfair, so terribly unfair. You lost him- you lost him- you lost him- you lost him- you lost him- you lost him- you...

"How long until the ambulance gets here?" Seokjin.

"I don't know! I'm tryin to call, hyu- Yes, hi. M-my friend is- He's..." Namjoon.

When Hobi gains control of his body again, his first reflex is to protect. To rescue his members and keep them away from the treacherous waters. He's overwhelmed with the need to save the ones that are left. He knows it's stupid, somewhere deep down in a part of himself that he can't quite reach. He knows that they need to swim towards Taehyung to try and save him, but all he can hear is the fact that the ocean is dangerous, the ocean took Taehyung. So when he sees Yoongi make a run for it and Jungkook dash after him, when he sees Jimin slowly walking towards the sea and Jin and Namjoon standing on the shore, he loses it. He knows it makes no sense but he's not even sure if the sun will rise tomorrow at this point and he won't let the ocean take anyone else from him. He's heartbroken and he can't -won't take anymore losses. So he throws himself at Jimin, who's closest to him. His arms are wrapped around the petite figure, holding as tight as he can as he digs his heels in the pebbles in an attempt to stop him from walking.

"Please don't go, please don't go -please, I can't. Stop, Jimin-ah please-" and he's aware that he's hiccuping on his tears but nothing matters. Please let me save one of them. He doesn't expect Jimin to slap him. Jimin himself doesn't expect it but neither of them are thinking rationally and everything already hurts.

"I'm already gone, let me go!" the smaller man hisses at him.

"W-what?" surely it's not too late for him, surely-

"He's dying, isn't he? Taehyung's dying, hyung. And if Taehyung's really dead then ...how can I be alive?" Jimin's face goes from lost to emotionless in a fraction of a second and it's scary. "I don't feel alive."

"Shut up, j-just shut up."

"But it's true." Jimin goes on, expression calm and tone soft, like he's just come to happily accept it. "Don't you feel it? It's so cold in here." he says, tapping his heart. "I wonder if Taehyung is cold. Do you think he feels it?"

Hobi just backs away from him. He's shocked at the sound of his voice and he can't help but flinch. This Jimin is not the empathetic boy that he needs to protect from the horrors of the world. He isn't the dongsaeng he's trying to save. He's just a version of him that's too hurt to stray from macabre thoughts, and Hoseok realises that maybe he's really too late. There's no one left to save if Taehyung dies today. So he lets go of Jimin and dares to look at the ocean, because now that seems like the logical thing to do. He looks for any movement in the water but he can't see Yoongi and his heart stops again. Not him too -please. The seconds pass and there's no sign from either members and he thinks that the universe must truly hate him to take two of his dearest friends away from him so cruelly. But then his breath gets knocked out of him and his hyung's head breaches the surface, gasping for air and crying out to the wind. Two people. One inhale, one exhale. Two thoughts. He's alive. He found Taehyung.

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